Remains of the sarcophagus of Cornelius Scipio Asiagenus Comatus.
Rome, Tomb of the Scipios.
Gallery 1—
The designation corresponds to the plan of the Tomb of the Scipios. and genealogical tree of the Scipios..
[1 Co]rnelius L(uci) f(ilius) L(uci) n(epos) / [Sci]pio Asiagenus / Comatus annoru(m) / gnatus XVI
(CIL 06, 01291 (p 3134, 3799, 4669, 4673) = CIL 06, 37039g = CIL 01, 00013 (p 739, 831, 859, 860) = ILLRP 00314 (p 325) = D 00008).
Cornelius Scipio Asiagenus Comatus, son of Lucius, grandson of Lucius, sixteen years of age.