Portrait of Marcus Porcius Cato Uticensis?
Marble. Mid-1st century BCE. Inv. No. 1944.Copenhagen, New Carlsberg GlyptotekPhoto by Sergey Sosnovskiy

Portrait of Marcus Porcius Cato Uticensis?

Marble. Mid-1st century BCE.
Inv. No. 1944.

Copenhagen, New Carlsberg Glyptotek
(København, Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek).

3. Roman, known as the “Uffizi-Cicero” or “Pseudo-Cicero”.

The form of the head, with its closely cropped hair, and the physiognomy are extremely realistic. The sculptor offers a very lifelike rendering of the crown of the head and the physiognomy of an older man with short, thin hair, the locks of which are delineated only with scribe marks. Hollow temples and cheeks, furrowed brow and deep-set eyes. There are four replicas of the portrait, in Florence, Ancona, Rome and Naples. The appellation of the portrait, “Pseudo-Cicero”, stems from the fact that during the Renaissance, its subject was said to be Cicero.

In 1924, Fr. Studnitska ventured (in Festschrift Heinrich Wolfflin) to attribute a certain terracotta bust in Florence’s Museo Bargello to Donatello (1386—1466); he called it Niccolò da Uzzano. This same Renaissance bust might indeed be a Cicero — but, in all likelihood, it was not made by Donatello. Vagn Poulsen (V. Poulsen (1973) 43) claimed that the present portrait was a depiction of Cicero’s renowned friend in Athens, Titus Pomponius Atticus (109—32 B.C.). J. C. Balty identified the head as Varro (116—27 B.C.). In any event, the bust has been executed in the tradition for private portraits predominant in the Late Hellenistic cities.

Original: c. 50 B.C. Copy: Augustan.

I.N. 1944
Marble. H. 0.32.

Acquired in 1902 in Rome, through the mediation of Arndt. The nose and the rims of the ears are broken off and they are missing. The neck is shaped for the insertion of the bust on top of a statue.

Bibliography: F. Poulsen 1951, Cat. 571; V. Poulsen 1973, Cat. 3; Zanker, Rezeption, 590, n. 49; H. Weber, AntK 18 (1975) 29; H. Weber, Jarhb. öster Archhist., Beiblatt 51 (1976-77) sp. 35; P. Zanker, Die Bildnisse Augustus (1979) 87; A. Stewart, Attika (1979) 76, 94, n. 52; Kockel, Porträtreliefs, 190, n. 12.

(сс) 2008. Photo: Sergey Sosnovskiy (CC BY-SA 4.0).
Text of title: museum inscription to the sculpture, 2008.
© 1994. Description: F. Johansen. Catalogue Roman Portraits, vol. I, p. 28, cat. no. 3. Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek, 1994.
Keywords: απεικόνιση portrait portraiture ritratto ritrattistica porträtmalerei porträt roman romana römisches romain άγνωστος unknown ignoto unbekannter inconnu man uomo romano römischer mann homme μάρκος πόρκιος κάτων ο υτικαίος νεότερος marcus porcius cato uticensis minor the younger marco porcio catone uticense der jüngere caton d’utique le jeune τύλλιος κικέρων tullius cicero tullio cicerone cicéron marble marmor marmo testa maschile männliches männlicher portraitkopf male head of utica uffizi-cicero pseudo-cicero so-called inv no 1944