Trilingual inscription of Gaius Cornelius Gallus
Between 29 and 27 BCE. Copy.
CIL III 14147. 5 = ILS 8995 = IGPhilae. II 128.
Rome, Museum of Roman CivilizationPhoto by Olga Lyubimova

Trilingual inscription of Gaius Cornelius Gallus.

Between 29 and 27 BCE. Copy.
CIL III 14147. 5 = ILS 8995 = IGPhilae. II 128.

Rome, Museum of Roman Civilization
(Roma, Museo della civiltà romana).

Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
From the island Philae.
A trilingual inscription of Gaius Cornelius Gallus, an elegiac poet, a general of Augustus and a friend of Vergil who dedicated the first edition of Georgics to him in 29 B.C.E. The inscription in Latin, Greek and hieroglyphs was placed by Cornelius Galles on the island of Philae. Original: Cairo, Egyptian museum.

CIL III 14147. 5 = ILS 8995 = IGPhilae. II 128.

C(aius) Cornelius Cn(aei) f(ilius) Gallu[s, eq]ues Romanus, posṭ reges a Caesare deivi f(ilio) devictos praefect[us Alex]andreae et Aegypti primus, defectioni[s] Thebaidis intra dies XV, quibus hostem v[icit, bis a]cie victor, V urbium expugnator, Bore[se]os, Copti, Ceramices, Diospoleos Meg[ales, Op]hieu, ducibus earum defectionum inter[ce]ptis, exercitu ultra Nili catarhacte[n transd]ucto, in quem locum neque populo Romano neque regibus Aegypti [arma s]unt prolata, Thebaide communi omn[i]um regum formidine subact[a], leg[atis re]gis Aethiopum ad Philas auditis, eo[dem] rege in tutelam recepto, tyrann[o] Tr[iacontas]choe<ni> in Aethiopiae constituto, die[is] [...] patrieis et N[ilo adiut]ori d(onum) d(edit).

[Γ]άϊος Κορνήλιος, Γναίου υἱός, Γάλλ[ος, ἱππεὺ]ς Ῥωμαίων, μετὰ τὴν κατάλυσιν τῶν ἐν Αἰγύπτωι βασιλέων πρῶτος ὑπὸ Καίσ[αρος ἐπὶ] τῆς Αἰγύπτου κατασταθείς, τὴν Θηβαΐδα [ἀ]ποστᾶσαν ἐν πεντεκαίδεκα ἡμέραις δὶς [ἐν παρ]ατάξει κατὰ κράτος νικήσας, σὺν τῶι τοὺς ἡγεμόνας τῶν ἀντιταξαμένων ἑλεῖν, πέν[τε τε πό]λεις τὰς μὲν ἐξ ἐφόδου, τὰς δὲ ἐκ πολιορκί[ας] καταλαβόμενος, Βορῆσιν, Κόπτον, Κεραμική[ν, Διόσπ]ολιν μεγάλην, Ὀφιῆον, καὶ σὺν τῆι στρατιᾶι ὑπεράρας τὸν καταράκτην, ἀβάτου στρατία[ις τῆς χώρ]ας πρὸ αὐτοῦ γενομένης, καὶ σύμπασαν τὴ[ν] Θηβαΐδα μὴ ὑποταγεῖσαν τοῖς βασιλεῦσιν, [ὑποτάξ]ας, δεξάμενός τε πρέσβεις Αἰθιόπων ἐν Φίλαις καὶ προξενίαν παρὰ τοῦ βασιλέως λ[αβών, τύ]ραννόν τε τῆς Τριακοντασχοίνου τοπαρχία[ς] μιᾶς ἐν Αἰθιοπίαι καταστήσας, θεοῖς πατ[ρῴοις, Ν]είλῳ συνλήπτορι χαριστήρια.

Gaius Cornelius Gallus, son of Cnaeus, Roman knight, appointed the first Prefect of Alexandria and of Egypt after its kings had been defeated by Caesar, son of a god; he [Gallus] was twice victor in pitched battles during the Theban revolt, within 15 days, in which he defeated the enemy; he took by assault five cities (Boresos, Coptus, Ceramice, Diospolis Magna, and Opheium) and captured the leaders of their revolts; he led an army beyond the cataphract of the Nile, into which region arms had not previously been borne either by the Roman people or by the kings of Egypt; he took Thebes, the shared fear of all the kings (of Egypt); he received ambassadors of the Ethiopian king at Philae and received that king into his protection; he appointed a ruler over the Ethiopian region of Triacontaschoenus. He [Gallus] gave and dedicated this monument to the ancestral gods and the Nile, his helper.

(сс) 2009. Photo: Olga Lyubimova (CC BY-SA 4.0).
Text of the description: the inscruption in the museum.
English translation: Fagan G. G. Augustus (31 B.C. — 14 A.D.) // An Online Encyclopedia of Roman Rulers.
Keywords: epigraphia epigraphy inscription iscrizione epigrafia epigraphik epigrafik inschrift épigraphie roman romano romana romani römisch römische romaine honorary onoraria ehreninschrift honorifique knight praefect of alexandria and egypt emperor caesar augustus thebais nile honorific cil iii 14147 5 ils 8995 igphilae ii 128 caius cornelius cnaei filius gallus eques romanus posṭ reges a caesare deivi filio devictos praefectus alexandreae et aegypti primus defectionis thebaidis intra dies xv quibus hostem vicit bis acie victor v urbium expugnator boreseos copti ceramices diospoleos megales ophieu ducibus earum defectionum interceptis exercitu ultra nili catarhacten transducto in quem locum neque populo regibus arma sunt prolata thebaide communi omnium regum formidine subacta legatis regis aethiopum ad philas auditis eodem rege tutelam recepto tyranno triacontaschoeni aethiopiae constituto dieis patrieis nilo adiutori donum dedit