CIL VI 40952 = Inscr. It. XIII2 13 = ILS 55. Inv. No. MCR 120.Rome, Museum of Roman CivilizationPhoto by Olga Lyubimova
Inscription praising the consul Gaius Duilius who defeated the Carthaginians at the battle of Mylae (Milazzo, Sicily) in 260 BCE.
CIL VI 40952 = Inscr. It. XIII2 13 = ILS 55.
Rome, Museum of Roman Civilization
(Roma, Museo della civiltà romana).
] navis oc[toginta et Macellam] / [oppidum c]epit pri[m]us d[e Poenis n]aval[em trium]/[phum egit h]uic per[mis]sum est u[t ab e]pulis domum / [cum tibici]ne e[t f]unali rediret [ei s]tatua c[um] / [columna] pr[ope a]ream Vulc[ani p]os[i]t[a est] / [aedem apud foru]m ho[litorium ex spoliis Iano fecit]
... captured eighty ships and the fortress of Macella. He was the first to celebrate a naval triumph over the Carthagenians. He was permitted to go back home after feasts with a flutist and a torch. A statue with a column was erected for him near the area of Vulcanus. He built the temple of Janus near the vegetable market from his spoils.
Text of the description: the inscription in the museum.