The apparition of a snake during Aeneas’ sacrifice at the tomb of Anchises
Engraving by Jean Baptiste Raphael Urbain Massard (1775—1843), 1798.

The apparition of a snake during Aeneas’ sacrifice at the tomb of Anchises.

Engraving by Jean Baptiste Raphael Urbain Massard (1775—1843), 1798.
Ille agmine longo
tandem inter pateras et levia pocula serpens
libavitque dapes, rursusque innoxius imo
successit tumulo, et depasta altaria liquit.

Virgil. Aen. V. 90—94.

Image: Virgil. Bucolica, Georgica, et Aeneis, Pierre Didot, 1798.
Keywords: modern graphics grafica graphik graphique ελληνική μυθολογία mythologia graeca greek mythology mitologia greca griechische mythologie grecque αἰνείας aineias aeneas enea äneas énée engraving snake serpent altar sacrifice engraver jean baptiste raphael urbain massard