Dimensions: 0.247 × 0.29 m. Height of letters 0.13—0.22 m.
CIL VI 20587. Rome, Church of Saint John Before the Latin GatePhoto by Ilya Shurygin
Funerary inscription of Iulia Onesime. Photocollage.
Dimensions: 0.247 × 0.29 m. Height of letters 0.13—0.22 m.
CIL VI 20587.
Rome, Church of Saint John Before the Latin Gate
(Roma, San Giovanni a Porta Latina).
D(is) M(anibus) Iulia Onesi/me fec(it) fili(i)s pientis/simis Claudiae Ptole/maidi vix(it) ann(os) X m(enses) VI / d(ies) X et Claudio Ptole/maeo vix(it) ann(os) XII m(enses) IIII / d(ies) XXV fecit sibi lib(ertis) liber/tabusque posterisque / eorum [3]
Julia Onesime made to gods Manes — for her most pious children Claudia Ptolemais who lived for 10 years, 6 months and 10 days, and for Claudius Ptolemaeus who lived for 12 years, 4 months and 25 days; made for herself, her freedmen and freedwomen and their posterity.
Text and description of the inscription: Eagle. Electronic Archive of Greek and Latin Epigraphy.
© 2016. Translation from Latin: O. Liubimova.