Funerary inscription of Iulia Onesime. Photocollage
Marble. 1st century CE.
Dimensions: 0.247 × 0.29 m. Height of letters 0.13—0.22 m.
CIL VI 20587.
Rome, Church of Saint John Before the Latin GatePhoto by Ilya Shurygin

Funerary inscription of Iulia Onesime. Photocollage.

Marble. 1st century CE.
Dimensions: 0.247 × 0.29 m. Height of letters 0.13—0.22 m.
CIL VI 20587.

Rome, Church of Saint John Before the Latin Gate
(Roma, San Giovanni a Porta Latina).

Rome, church of S. Giovanni a Porta Latina, reused in the pavement of presbytery.
CIL VI 20587.

D(is) M(anibus) Iulia Onesi/me fec(it) fili(i)s pientis/simis Claudiae Ptole/maidi vix(it) ann(os) X m(enses) VI / d(ies) X et Claudio Ptole/maeo vix(it) ann(os) XII m(enses) IIII / d(ies) XXV fecit sibi lib(ertis) liber/tabusque posterisque / eorum [3]

Julia Onesime made to gods Manes — for her most pious children Claudia Ptolemais who lived for 10 years, 6 months and 10 days, and for Claudius Ptolemaeus who lived for 12 years, 4 months and 25 days; made for herself, her freedmen and freedwomen and their posterity.

© 2015. Photo, pholocollage: Ilya Shurygin.
Text and description of the inscription: Eagle. Electronic Archive of Greek and Latin Epigraphy.
© 2016. Translation from Latin: O. Liubimova.
Keywords: epigraphia epigraphy inscription iscrizione epigrafia epigraphik epigrafik inschrift épigraphie roman romano romana romani römisch römische romaine gravestone funerary inscriptions epitaph in pietra tombale epitaffio grabstein-inschrift de pierre épitaphe dis manibus iulia onesime fecit filiis pientissimis claudiae ptolemaidi vixit annos x menses vi dies et claudio ptolemaeo xii iiii xxv sibi libertis libertabusque posterisque eorum gods manes julia claudia ptolemais claudius ptolemaeus freedmen freedwomen posterity cil 20587