Funerary inscription of Aspasius, Isidorius, Aspasius and Claudia Euhodia
Marble. First half of the 2nd century CE.
Dimensions: 0.64 × 0.946 × 0.36 m. Height of letters 0.33—0.6 m.
CIL VI 10647.
Rome, Church of Saint John Before the Latin GatePhoto by Ilya Shurygin

Funerary inscription of Aspasius, Isidorius, Aspasius and Claudia Euhodia.

Marble. First half of the 2nd century CE.
Dimensions: 0.64 × 0.946 × 0.36 m. Height of letters 0.33—0.6 m.
CIL VI 10647.

Rome, Church of Saint John Before the Latin Gate
(Roma, San Giovanni a Porta Latina).

Rome, church of S. Giovanni a Porta Latina, reused in the external wall of the bell tower.
CIL VI 10647.

Trun(:Trium) P.P.P.(:Publiorum) Aelior(um)
Aspasi(us?), Isidori(us?), Aspasi(us?)[1]
et Claudia Euhodia
sibi et suis
libertis libertaq(ue)(:libertabusque)
posterisquae(:posterisque) aeroum(:eorum).
H(oc) m(onumentum) ex(terum) non recip(it).

Aspasius, Isidorius and Aspasius, (slaves? freedmen?) of three Publii Aelii, and Claudia Euhodia made for themselves and their freedmen and freedwomen and their posterity. This monument doesn’t pass over to a stranger.

[1]The nominative case endings are conjectural. — O. Liubimova.

© 2015. Photo: Ilya Shurygin.
Text and description of the inscription: Eagle. Electronic Archive of Greek and Latin Epigraphy.
© 2016. Translation from Latin: O. Liubimova.
Keywords: epigraphia epigraphy inscription iscrizione epigrafia epigraphik epigrafik inschrift épigraphie roman romano romana romani römisch römische romaine gravestone funerary inscriptions epitaph in pietra tombale epitaffio grabstein-inschrift de pierre épitaphe trun trium p publiorum aeliorum aspasi isidori et claudia euhodia fecerunt sibi suis libertis libertaque libertabusque posterisquae posterisque aeroum eorum hoc monumentum exterum non recipit three publii aelii publius aelius aspasius isidor isidorius freedmen freedwomen posterity this monument don’t pass on to a stranger cil vi 10647