Portrait of a woman, formerly believed to be Livia, wife of Augustus (Licinia, daughter of Crassus Frugi?)
Rome, Museum of Roman Civilization
(Roma, Museo della civiltà romana).
There is one remote possibility for the identity of Copenhagen 747. She may depict Licinia Crassi, whose name appeared on a now lost altar with a damaged inscription that was found in the first chamber (fig. 42)243. Geza Alföldy proposed that Licinia Crassi was a daughter of Marcus Licinius Crassus Frugi244. W. Altmann, who saw and photographed the altar while it was still in the garden of the Maraini house, assigned it to the Tiberian era, a dating that would be consistent with Boschung’s chronology for the style of Copenhagen 747245. But Alföldy estimated that Licinia Crassi died at a young age, when she was between eight and ten years old246; only the Roman numeral “X” for “ten” was visible at the end of the line that gave her age at death247. If Alföldy’s estimate of Licinia Crassi’s age is accurate, Copenhagen 747 could not depict her since the portrait seems to depict someone older. Yet, given our inability to study the lost altar and its fragmentary condition, other p.109 estimations of Licinia Crassi’s age at death seem possible, and these might be consistent with the age of figure 41.
238Moltesen, in Kragelund, Moltesen, and Østergaard 2003, 85. For discussions of the stable isotope analyses of the three parts of Copenhagen 747, two of which have now been removed, see Moltesen 1988, 434—
West R. Römische Porträt-Plastik. Bd. I. München ,1934. Ill. 31. 130.
Griechische und römische Porträts / Hrsg. P. Arndt — F. Bruckmann. München, 1891—
Poulsen F. Catalogue of Ancient Sculpture in the Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek Kopenhagen, 1951. Cat. no. 614.
Poulsen V. Les Portraits Romains. Vol. I. Kopenhagen, 1962. P. 74 Cat. no. 39. Pl. 64, 65.
Bartels H. Studien zum Frauenporträt der augusteischen Zeit. Fulvia, Octavia, Livia, Julia. München, 1963. S. 42, Anm. 336.
Boschung D. Überlegungen zum Liciniergrab // Jahrbuch des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts. Bd. 101. 1986. S. 271.
Verzeichnis der Gipsabgüsse des Archäologischen Instituts der Georg-August-Universität Göttingen — Bestand 1767—
Johansen F. Catalogue Roman Portraits. Vol. I. Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek. Kopenhagen, 1994. P. 104—
Kragelund P., Moltesen M., Østergaard J. S. The Licinian Tomb: Fact or Fiction? Copenhagen, 2003. P. 85.
Van Keuren F. Trillmich W., Trillmich C., Ghezzi A., Anderson J. Ch. Unpublished Documents Shed New Light on the Licinian Tomb, Discovered in 1884—
© Text: museum label.
© 2003. Description: Van Keuren F. Trillmich W., Trillmich C., Ghezzi A., Anderson J. Ch. Unpublished Documents Shed New Light on the Licinian Tomb, Discovered in 1884—1885, Rome // MAAR. Vol. 48. 2003. P. 107—109.