Hall 5. Inv. No. 574363.Rome, Roman National Museum, Baths of DiocletianPhoto by Ilya Shurygin
Reconstruction of the monument from the Curiae Veteres in honour of the members of Juian-Claudian dynasty.
Hall 5.
Rome, Roman National Museum, Baths of Diocletian
(Roma, Museo nazionale romano, Terme di Diocleziano).
The architectural fragments belong to a temple reconstructed after a fire by the Emperor Claudius at his own expense. The restoration dates back between 51 AD, year of the fifth consulate of Claudius, as mentioned in the inscription, and 54 AD, year of his death. The identification of the temple is uncertain: it could be the main building of the Curiae Veteres, an ancient sanctuary traditionally believed to be founded by Romulus, or the shrine consecrated to the memory of Augustus by his wife Livia. In the verb curavit can be noticed the symbol Ⅎ, a letter introduced by the Emperor Claudius and used only during his reign, in order to distinguish different sounds originally expressed by the sole symbol V.
Rome, piazza del Colosseo, north-eastern slope of the Palatine Hill 51—
Curiae Veteres: the shrine
The marble and bronze bases were part of a monumental compound situated in the sacred area of the Curiae Veteres and intended to honour Augustus and the members of his dynasty. Created in the early Augustan period, the complex went through many transformations and it was eventually destroyed by the great Neronian fire of 64 AD. The bronze base was dedicated to Tiberius; the marble one, located into a shrine, to Augustus, Claudius, Nero and Agrippina. The dedications were offered by the aenatores, the bronze wind instrument players who served in the solemn military and civic ceremonies: the tubicines, players of tuba, the liticines, players of lituus, and the cornicines, players of cornu. Calling themselves Romani, the musicians emphasized the role they had in the ceremonies that took place in Rome.
Rome, piazza del Colosseo, north-eastern slope of Palatine Hill 12 BC — 56 AD
© Description: museum tablet.