Drusilla or Agrippina the Younger. Portrait of a woman formerly thought to be Agrippina the Elder
Plaster cast.
Original: Marble. Reign of Caligula (37—41 CE).
Height 39 cm, width 22.2 cm.
Inv. Nos. MCR 298 / C 17030 (orig.).Rome, Museum of Roman CivilizationPhoto by Olga Lyubimova

Drusilla or Agrippina the Younger. Portrait of a woman formerly thought to be Agrippina the Elder.

Plaster cast.
Original: Marble. Reign of Caligula (37—41 CE).
Height 39 cm, width 22.2 cm.
Inv. Nos. MCR 298 / C 17030 (orig.).

Rome, Museum of Roman Civilization
(Roma, Museo della civiltà romana).

Cyrene, Museum of Antiquities.
Original is found in 1926 on sanctuary terrace in ruins of south wall of Temple of Persephone in Cyrene, Lybia. Inv. no.: C 17030.
A head from Cyrene (figs. 20—21), apparently made for insertion into a statue, is stiffer and drier in execution, as might be expected in provincial sculpture, but appears to match the Caere and von Hessen portraits in all significant details of structure, volume, contour, and in particular of the profile line69. The coiffure is slightly simplified, lacking the alternation between deep and shallow waves that is characteristic of the Caere-von Hessen type as well as of the Providence-Schloss-Fasanerie type of Agrippina the Younger, and the little curls along the hairline are more widely spaced, but both variations are understandable in a replica made far from the centers of fashion as well as of sculptural manufacture. A work like this could be a third- or fourth-hand copy of a copy, and subtleties of fashion in the hairdress were bound to be ignored or misunderstood in the process of transmission. This head, like the Caere statue, has two corkscrew curls hanging to the shoulders. Almost immediately upon its discovery, Anti recognized the Cyrene head as a replica of the Caere statue (figs. 15—17), although that relationship has been neglected since, largely because Anti’s proposed identification, as Agrippina the Elder, is no longer generally accepted.

S. Wood
69Cyrene Museum C17030. Marble head Ht. 39 cm, chin to crown 26 cm, W. 22.2 cm. Most of nose broken away, otherwise well preserved. Surface stained and discolored. Found in 1926 on sanctuary terrace in ruins of south wall of Temple of Persephone. AfrIt 1 (1927) 311, fig. 16; C. Anti, “Un nuovo ritratto di Agrippina Maggiore,” AfrIt 2 (1928) 3—16, pls. 1—3; E. Rosenbaum, A Catalogue of Cyrenaican Portrait Sculpture (London 1960) 43, no. 16, pl. 16. 1—2 with full earlier literature; Polaschek 1973, 13—14. Polaschek rejects the association of the Cyrene head with Munich cat. 316, describing it as a unique, probably private portrait, yet she accepts several other provincial works as replicas of the Caere statue that display the same sorts of simplifications of the coiffure: Sarsina, Museo Archeologico, marble head with diadem (Polaschek 1973, 28—29, pls. 12. 1 and 17. 1), and Hispanic Society of America, inv. D203 (see infra n. 70).
Africa Italiana. Vol. 1. 1927. P. 311, fig. 16.
Anti C. Un nuovo ritratto di Agrippina Maggiore // Africa Italiana. Vol. 2. 1928. P. 3—16, tav. 1—3.
Fuchs S. Deutung, Sinn und Zeitstellung des Wiener Cameo mit den Fruchthornbüsten // MDAIR. Bd. 51. 1936. S. 230 f. Amn. 3;
Aurigemma S. Sculture del Foro Vecchio di Leptis Magna raffiguranti la Dea Roma e principi della Casa dei Giulio-Claudi // Africa Italiana. Vol. 8. 1941/1942. P. 63 Ill. 42.
Poulsen V. Studies in Julio-Claudian Iconography // Acta Archaeologica. Vol. 17. 1946. S. 27, Anm. 111.
Hafner G. Zum Augustus Relief im Ravenna // MDAIR. Bd. 62. 1955. S. 167, Anm. 28.
Furnée–van Zwet L. Fashion in women’s hair-dress in the first century of the Roman Empire // BABesch. Bd. 31. 1956. S. 21 Ill. 34.
Giuliano A. La ritrattistica dell’Asia Minore dall’89 a.C. al 211 d.C // RIA. Vol. 8. 1959. P. 156, n. 13.
Rosenbaum E. A Catalogue of Cyrenaican Portrait Sculpture. London, 1960. P. 43. Cat. no. 16. Pl. 16, 1–2.
Bartels H. Studien zum Frauenporträt der augusteischen Zeit. Fulvia, Octavia, Livia, Julia. München, 1963. S. 63. Anm. 507.
Polaschek K. Studien zu einem Frauenkopf im Landesmuseum Trier und zur weiblichen Haartracht der iulisch-claudischen Zeit // TrZ. Bd. 35. 1972. S. 209. Anm. 28;
Polaschek K. Porträttypen einer claudischen Kaiserin. (Studia Archaeologica, 17). Rom, 1973. S. 11, Anm. 3.
Polaschek K. Studien zur Ikonographie der Antonia minor. (Studia Archaeologica 15). Rom, 1973. S. 11, Anm. 4.
Wood S. Diva Drusilla Panthea and the Sisters of Caligula // American Journal of Archaeology. Vol. 99, No. 3. 1995. P. 475, fig. 20—21.
(сс) 2009. Photo: Olga Lyubimova (CC BY-SA 4.0).
Text: museum label; Arachne.
© 1995. Description: Wood S. Diva Drusilla Panthea and the Sisters of Caligula // American Journal of Archaeology. Vol. 99, No. 3. 1995. P. 475.
Keywords: απεικόνιση portrait portraiture ritratto ritrattistica porträtmalerei porträt of a woman female femminile donna weibliches frau de femme head testa portraitkopf kopf tête roman romana römisches romain αυτοκρατορικό imperial imperiale kaiserliches impérial ιουλιο-κλαυδιανή δυναστεία iulio-claudia iulii-claudii julii-claudii the julio-claudian dynasty dinastia giulio-claudia julisch-claudische dynastie famille julio-claudienne julio-claudiens ιουλία δρουσίλλα iulia julia drusilla re567 giulia αγριππίνα η νεότερη agrippina minor re556 empress younger imperatrice minore römische kaiserin die jüngere impératrice romaine agrippine la jeune βιψανία πρεσβύτερη vipsania maior senior elder maggiore ältere l’aînée γλυπτική sculptura sculpture sculptural scultura skulptur ρωμαϊκό romano romani römisch römischen römischer romains romaines προτομή bust busto büste buste κεφάλι κεφαλή marble marmor marmo plaster cast calco hairstyle acconciatura coiffure pettinatura inv no mcr 298 c 17030 orig