Portrait of a young woman
Roman. Second half of the 1st cent. CE.
Restorations dating from the 18th century.
23 × 19 × 16 cm.
Private collection, New York

Portrait of a young woman.

Roman. Second half of the 1st cent. CE.
Restorations dating from the 18th century.
23 × 19 × 16 cm.

Private collection, New York.

Formerly in the collection of the Baron Maximilian von Heyl (1844—1925), Darmstadt (published in the catalogue for that collection in 1930).
Probably in the collection of Dr. Arthur Rosin (1879—1974), Berlin and New York.
Collection of Leopold Gutmann (1891—1970), Nördlingen, then transported to New York in 1937 with the rest of his collection, received as a present from Dr. Arthur Rosin, his father-in-law.
Collection of Leonard Sussman (1920—2015), New York and Craftsbury, VT, received as a present from Leopold Gutmann, his father-in-law.
Then passed down within the same family as an heirloom.
Galerie Chenel.
Klaus FittschenPaul Zanker, Katalog der römischen Porträts in den Capitolinischen Museen und den anderen komunalen Sammlungen der Stadt Rom, Katalog der römischen Porträts in den Capitolinischen Museen und den anderen komunalen Sammlungen der Stadt Rom, note 9n, 2014, vol. IV, p. 45.

Hugo Helbing, Katalog der Sammlung Baron Heyl, Darmstadt. Vol. II, Sammlung antiker Kunst, Darmstadt, no. 23 (non illustré), October 30th, 1930, no. 23 (non illustré), no. 23 (non illustré).

P. Cairn, Marmorbildnisse neronisch-flavischer Zeit, Munich, Marmorbildnisse neronisch-flavischer Zeit, Munich, no. 132, 1993, no. 132, pp. 252—253.

Paul Arndt and Georg Lippold, Photographische Einzelaufnahmen antiker Skulpturen, serie XIII, nos 3744—3746, 1932, nos 3744—3746, nos 3744—3746.

F. Fless, Opferdiener und Kultusmusiker auf stadtrömischen historischen reliefs, Untersuchungen zur Ikonographie, Funktion und Benennung, pl. pl. 30. 1—2, 1995, Mainz, pl. pl. 30. 1—2, P. 67.

John Pollini, “Two Portrait Busts of Slave Boys from a Shrine of Cobannus in Gaul”, Studia Varia from the J. Paul Getty Museum, vol. 2, 2001, note 103, p. 139.

John Pollini, “The Warren Cup: Homoerotic Love and Symposial Rhetoric in Silver”, The Art Bulletin, vol. 81, figs. 19—20, 1999, figs. 19—20, pp. 34—35.
© 2019. Photo, text: Tefaf.
Keywords: γλυπτική sculptura sculpture sculptural scultura skulptur ρωμαϊκό roman romana romano romani römisch römische römisches römischen römischer romain romaine romains romaines άγνωστη γυναίκα of a unidentify unknown woman female donna ignota sconosciuta femminile unbekannte frau weiblich inconnu femme απεικόνιση portrait portraiture ritratto ritrattistica porträtmalerei porträt κεφάλι κεφαλή head testa kopf tête προτομή bust busto büste buste weibliches de portraitkopf marble marmo giovane elaborate hairdo hairstyle coiffure curling pouf frizzle hair-wave acconciatura pettinatura