Rhyton terminating in the forepart of a panther
Silver, mercury gilding.
Parthian. Ca. 1st cent. BCE.
H. 27.5 cm.
Inv. No. 1979.447 a, b.New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art

Rhyton terminating in the forepart of a panther.

Silver, mercury gilding.
Parthian. Ca. 1st cent. BCE.
H. 27.5 cm.
Inv. No. 1979.447 a, b.

New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art.

Acquired by the Museum in 1979, purchased from Manouchehr Malekzadehmokri, Isak Antiques, New York.
Elaborate bowls, animal-headed drinking vessels, and rhytons—vessels which have a hole at the front from which liquid flows—were highly valued in ancient Near Eastern society. During the pre-Achaemenid, Achaemenid, and Parthian periods, examples made of silver, gold, and clay were used throughout a vast area extending both to the east and west of Iran. The animals on these vessels included the ram, horse, bull, ibex, supernatural creatures, and female divinities; some were engraved with royal inscriptions. Rhytons made of precious materials were probably luxury wares used at royal courts. Both the rhyton and the animal-headed vessel were adopted by the Greek world as exotic and prestigious Oriental products.

Dating from the Parthian period, this silver rhyton is a fine example of the enduring influence of Hellenistic culture, which owes much to the artistic traditions of Achaemenid Iran. The horn-shaped vessel ends in the forepart of a panther; a spout for pouring is in the middle of the chest. A gilded fruit-laden grapevine winds around the panther’s chest; at the other end of the rhyton, an ivy wreath encircles the rim. These are the symbols of the Greek wine god Dionysus, whose cult spread eastward with the invasion of Alexander. Dionysiac images—panthers, grapevines, and dancing females—were absorbed by the Parthians and continued to appear in the art of Near Eastern cultures in the Sasanian period (A.D. 224—651).

Annual Report of the Trustees of the Metropolitan Museum of Art 110 (Jul. 1, 1979 — Jun. 30, 1980), p. 22.

Harper, Prudence O. et al. 1984. “Ancient Near Eastern Art.” The Metropolitan Museum of Art Bulletin 41 (4), Spring 1984, p. 16, fig. 13.

Aruz, Joan. 2000. The Year One: Art of the Ancient World East and West, exh. cat. edited by Elizabeth J. Milleker. New York: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, no. 94, pp. 122—123.

Benzel, Kim, Sarah B. Graff, Yelena Rakic, and Edith W. Watts. 2010. Art of the Ancient Near East: A Resource for Educators. New York: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, image 27, pp. 104—105.

Baumer, Christoph. 2014. The History of Central Asia. Volume 2: The Age of the Silk Roads. London and New York: I. B. Tauris, p. 38, fig. 25.

Colburn, Henry P. 2018. “From the Mediterranean to China — After Alexander.” In Animal-Shaped Vessels in the Ancient World: Drinking with Gods, Heroes, and Kings, edited by Susanne Ebbinghaus. Cambridge, MA: Harvard Art Museums, no. 45, pp. 320—322, fig. 7. 14.
(cc) 2019. Photo, text: The Metropolitan Museum of Art (CC0 1.0).
Keywords: toreutics toreutica cesellatura toreutik treibarbeit toreutique asia minor corona hedera ivy wreath di edera efeukranz couronne de lierre στεφάνι κισσού silver vessel vascello d’argento silbergefäß vaisseau d’argent panthera panther pantera panthère πάνθηρα uva botrys botrus bunch of grapes grappolo d’uva weintraube wein traube grappe raisin τσαμπί σταφύλια grapevine vite weinrebe vigne grape leaf leafs foglia foglie weinblatt weinblätter feuille feuilles argento silber argent rhyton horn for drinking wine rhytòn corno potorio per bere vino zum trinken für corne à boire pour le vin ῥυτόν ρυτό parthia parthian partia partica parthien parthie parthe παρθία mercury gilding gilded gilt doratura al mercurio dorato quecksilbervergoldung vergoldete dorure au mercure doré terminating a inv no 1979 447 b