Marcus Licinius Crassus (consul of 70, 55 BCE)
Rough Parian marble.
Height: top of head to point of chin 29 cm.
Age of Augustus (replica), 2nd quarter of the 1st century B.C.E. (prototype).
Inv. Nos. 42 / 75 / 76A.Petworth, Petworth House, Leconfield’s Collection

Marcus Licinius Crassus (consul of 70, 55 BCE).

Rough Parian marble.
Height: top of head to point of chin 29 cm.
Age of Augustus (replica), 2nd quarter of the 1st century B.C.E. (prototype).
Inv. Nos. 42 / 75 / 76A.

Petworth, Petworth House, Leconfield’s Collection.

Acquired in Rome between 1750 and 1760.

75. Male portrait head of republican type

Marble. Rough Parian.
Height. (Over life size.) Top of head to point of chin 0.29. Below chin to top of drapery 0.125.
Restorations. The nose. The right ear is chipped. The bust.

The head, that of an elderly man, is slightly inclined to the left. The square forehead is furrowed, the overhanging brows well marked; there are small lines at the root of the nose and the corners of the eyes. The hair, in long, carelessly arranged locks, frames the broad forehead and grows low on the back of the neck. The age is indicated not only by the well-moulded wrinkles on the face and by the sunk mouth, but also by the emphatic rendering of the cheeks and throat and of the details round the collar bone. The effect of a portrait true to life is given by the irregularity of the features. The ears are large and laid flat against the head.

Coarse but effective work, probably of the end of the ist century B.C. It is of Republican type, but may, like so many others, be an Imperial, 1st century A. D. copy of a Republican portrait. The bust is modern.

The traditional name of the head is “Galba,” but this identification cannot be confirmed. The former gallery number in Lord Egremont ’ s Catalogue was 76A, and it has been renumbered for the present catalogue. It was not seen by Michaelis.

M. Windham (1915)
Wyndham M. Catalogue of the Collection of Greek and Roman Antiquities in the Possession of Lord Leconfield. London, 1915. P. 126 № 75 Pl. 75.
Oehler H. Foto und Skulptur: Romische Antiken in englischen Schlössern. Köln, 1980. S. 80.
Howard S. Bartolomeo Cavaceppi, Eighteenth-Century Restorer. New York, 1982. P. 45 ff.
Boschung D. Überlegungen zum Liciniergrab // Jahrbuch des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts. Bd. 101. 1986. S. 276—284. Abb. 25.
Raeder J. Die antiken Skulpturen in Petworth House. Mainz am Rhein, 2000. S. 136 ff. Kat. № 42.
© Text, photo: Wyndham M. Catalogue of the Collection of Greek and Roman Antiquities in the Possession of Lord Leconfield. London, 1915. P. 126 № 75 Pl. 75.
Keywords: απεικόνιση portrait portraiture ritratto ritrattistica porträtmalerei porträt roman romana römisches romain άγνωστος unknown ignoto unbekannter inconnu man uomo romano römischer mann homme lucius calpurnius piso caesoninus pontifex lucio calpurnio pisone cesonino pontefice μάρκος λικίνιος κράσσος marcus licinius crassus marco licinio crasso γλυπτική sculptura sculpture sculptural scultura skulptur ρωμαϊκό romani römisch römische römischen romaine romains romaines προτομή bust busto büste buste parian marble marmo pario parischer marmor marbre de paros μάρμαρο πάρου of a male maschile inv no 42 75 76a