Statue of a child holding a hare
Hellenistic period, 320—310 BCE.
H. 52.3 cm.
Inv. No. ΝΓ 277.Athens, Goulandris Museum of Cycladic ArtPhoto by Ilya Shurygin

Statue of a child holding a hare.

Hellenistic period, 320—310 BCE.
H. 52.3 cm.
Inv. No. ΝΓ 277.

Athens, Goulandris Museum of Cycladic Art
(Αθήνα, Μουσείο Κυκλαδικής Τέχνης).

Particularly distinctive in this highly naturalistic statue of a child holding a hare, are the exaggerated movement of the body and the attempt to capture the expression on the infantile face. During the 4th c. BC sculpture gradually moved away from the idealized models of Early Classical art and turned towards realism, that is the portrayal of figures with individualized features and an attempt to convey the inner psychological state (ethos) of the subject. In fact, towards the end of the century - which marks the beginning of the Hellenistic period - a new trend developed for genre themes, images from private life in the city and the countryside. Such images aimed at showing man not at an exceptional moment or in death - as was the case in early Classical art - but in simple everyday situations. During the same period, sculptors showed special interest in representing the child, which had hitherto been only a complementary subject in Greek art.
© 2014. Photo: Ilya Shurygin.
© 2021. Description:
Info: museum annotation.
Keywords: γλυπτική sculptura sculpture sculptural scultura skulptur greek greca greco greche griechische griechisches grecque grecquesё ἄγαλμα άγαλμα statua statuae statue statues statui statuen statuons standing in piedi stehende pédestre marble marmo marmor marbre μάρμαρο boy bambino ragazzino junge knabe garçon puer αγόρι παιδί child infant baby kind enfant μωρό hare hares lepre lepri hase hasen lièvre lièvres λαγός λαγοί wavy hair hairstyle waved capelli mossi acconciatura ondulata welliges haar gewellte frisur cheveux ondulés coiffure ondulée inv no νγ 277 νγ0277 0277