Isis-Fortuna between Lunus and Hesperus
Fresco from Pompeii (IX. 3. 15).CIL IV 882. Inv. No. 8836.Naples, National Archaeological Museum, Hall LXXVPhoto by Sergey Sosnovskiy
Isis-Fortuna between Lunus and Hesperus.
Fresco from Pompeii (IX. 3. 15).
CIL IV 882.
CIL IV 882.
Inv. No. 8836.
Naples, National Archaeological Museum, Hall LXXV
(Napoli, Museo archeologico nazionale, Sala LXXV).
Pompeii, IX. III. 15, House of Philocalus, the north wall of a cubiculum, 1847, or, according to another version, IX. 3. 7, Shop of Philocalus, north wall.
Iside Fortuna alata, con la cornucopia e un sistro, tra Lunus a cavallo, con l’ascia nella sinistra e Hesperos con una lunga fiaccola.
Museum inscription (2008)
According to other versions, the rider is Helios or Harpocrates-Helios.
Above the garland at the top of the painting was a painted inscription (CIL IV 882), now partially lost, whose reading was long disputed:
P(h)ilo(ca)lus votum sol(vit) libe(n)s merito.
(сс) 2008. Photo: Sergey Sosnovskiy (CC BY-SA 4.0).
Text: museum inscription to the fresco (1, 2).
2021. Add. information: https://www.pompeiiinpictures.com.
Text: museum inscription to the fresco (1, 2).
2021. Add. information: https://www.pompeiiinpictures.com.
Keywords: ζωγραφικήί pictura ars picturae painting pittura malerei peinture φρεσκογραφία τοιχογραφία νωπογραφία wall fresco frescos frescoes opera parietale murale opere parietali murali affresco affreschi freskomalerei frischmalerei wandmalerei fresko fresken fresque fresques pintura mural ρωμαϊκές roman romana romano romani römisch römische römisches römischen römischer romain romaine romains romaines πομπηία pompeii pompeian pompei pompeiano pompeji pompeianischen pompejanischen pompéi pompéien ελληνική μυθολογία mythologia graeca greek mythology mitologia greca griechische mythologie grecque ἁρποκράτης harpocrates harpokrates arpocrate harpocrate ἥλιος ἠέλιος ήλιος θεός deus helios helius god dio elio elios gott dieu hélios ἕσπερος έσπερος hesperus hesperos vespero hespéros αιγυπτιακή μυθολογία egypt egiziana ägyptische égyptienne ἶσις ίσις isis iside ρωμαϊκή lunus luno θεά φορτούνα fortuna goddess dea divinità göttin divinité fortune cornucopia horn of plenty cornucòpia füllhorn corne d’abondance cornu copiae αμαλθείας κέρας garland garlands ghirlanda ghirlandi girlande guirlande serta γιρλάντα cloak mantello mantel manteau μανδύα horseman rider cavaliere reiter cavalier eques ιππέας ship rudder timone laterale ruder heckruder gouvernail τιμόνι globe globo torrestre weltkugel globen sphère terrestre globus γήινη σφαίρα winged alato geflügelt ailé alatus alata φτερωτό geflügelte ailée φτερωτή bridle rein reins testiera redini zaum zaumzeug zügel rêne rênes guides bride floral ornament vegetal motif ornamento floreale blumenverzierung ornement στολίδι torch torcia fackel torche flambeau δαυλός double-headed axe ascia a doppio taglio bipenne doppelaxt amazonenaxt hache à double tranchant labrys bipennis λάβρυς half moon crescent falce di luna halbmond croissant narrow-strip tunic angusticlavio stretto tunica strisce strette schmalstreifen tunika angusticlave angusticlavia angusticlavus angustus clavus galloping al galoppo galoppierendes au galop house philocalus ix 3 15 casa pilocalus sistro sistre sistrum σείστρο shop 7 cil iv 882 votum solvit libens merito pilolus sol libes inv no 8836