Sculpture | Rome | Reliefs
601. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Flamen Dialis.
South procession (close-up).
Rome, Museum of the Altar of Augustan Peace (Ara Pacis Augustae).
602. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Terracotta model of the pediment of the temple with decorative figures in the center and on the sides and the row of antefixes below.
4th—3rd centuries BCE.
Rome, National Etruscan Museum of Villa Julia.
603. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Sarcophagus with Eroses holding a portrait medallion of the deceased.
Marble. Beginning of the 3rd cent. CE.
Rome, National Gallery of Ancient Art of Corsini Palace.
604. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Sarcophagus with Eroses holding a portrait medallion of the deceased: front relief.
Marble. Beginning of the 3rd cent. CE.
Rome, National Gallery of Ancient Art of Corsini Palace.
605. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Relief “The Labours of Hercules” (front panel of a sarcophagus).
Marble. 2nd—3rd cent. CE.
Rome, National Gallery of Ancient Art of Corsini Palace.
606. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Combat of Hercules with the Lernaean Hydra (a close-up of sarcophagus relief “The Labours of Hercules”).
Marble. 2nd—3rd cent. CE.
Rome, National Gallery of Ancient Art of Corsini Palace.
607. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Hercules wins the battle with the king Diomedes (a close-up of sarcophagus relief “The Labours of Hercules”).
Marble. 2nd—3rd cent. CE.
Rome, National Gallery of Ancient Art of Corsini Palace.
608. SCULPTURE. Rome.
A sarcophagus of a child with vintage scenes.
Luni (Carrara) marble.
2nd century CE.
Rome, National Museum of Palazzo Venezia.
609. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Front wall of sarcophagus with clipeus portrait (imago clipeata) of the deceased boy.
Luni (Carrara) marble. 3rd century CE.
Rome, National Museum of Palazzo Venezia.
610. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Vespasian’s and young Domitian’s victorious return from the Civil War in 69 AD. Relief B from Palazzo Cancelleria in Rome.
Plaster cast. Original — Luna marble. 81—96 CE.
Rome, Palazzo della Cancelleria Apostolica.
611. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Departure of the emperor from Rome for a military campain (profectio). Relief A from Palazzo Cancelleria in Rome.
Plaster cast. Original: Luna marble, 81—96 CE.
Rome, Palazzo della Cancelleria Apostolica.
612. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Altar with the image of two Dioscuri at the Spring of Juturna.
Empire time.
Rome, Roman Forum.
613. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Metope with bucranium from entablement of the Basilica Aemilia.
Marble. 14 BCE — 4 CE.
Rome, Roman Forum.
614. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Relief on the architrave of the Temple of Vesta.
Rome, Roman Forum.
615. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Relief on the architrave of the Temple of Vesta.
Rome, Roman Forum.
616. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Burning of debt books at the presence of Trajan.
One of the reliefs of Trajan (so-called the Plutei Traiani) from the Roman Forum.
Marble. 98—117 CE.
Rome, Roman Forum, Curia Julia.
617. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Institution of the public food supply.
One of the reliefs of Trajan (so-called the Plutei Traiani) from the Roman Forum.
Marble. 98—117 CE.
Rome, Roman Forum, Curia Julia.
Arch of Septimius Severus.
Left panel of arch. View from the side of Capitolium.
Rome, Roman Forum, Arch of Septimius Severus.
619. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Roman soldier with Parthian captive.
Relief on west side of the Arch of Septimius Severus.
203 CE.
Rome, Roman Forum, Arch of Septimius Severus.
620. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Roman soldier with Parthian captive.
Relief on west side of the Arch of Septimius Severus.
203 CE.
Rome, Roman Forum, Arch of Septimius Severus.