Sculpture | Rome | Reliefs
561. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Aeneas sacrificing to the Penates.
Right part of the west facade of the Ara Pacis Augustae (upper panel).
Rome, Museum of the Altar of Augustan Peace (Ara Pacis Augustae).
562. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Decorative floral panel (close-up).
Right part of the west facade of the Ara Pacis Augustae (lower panel).
Rome, Museum of the Altar of Augustan Peace (Ara Pacis Augustae).
563. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Decorative floral panel (close-up).
Right part of the west facade of the Ara Pacis Augustae (lower panel).
Rome, Museum of the Altar of Augustan Peace (Ara Pacis Augustae).
564. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Decorative floral panel (close-up).
Right part of the west facade of the Ara Pacis Augustae (lower panel).
Rome, Museum of the Altar of Augustan Peace (Ara Pacis Augustae).
565. SCULPTURE. Rome.
North crowning slab of the sacrificial table, external side with scene of a sacrifice.
Rome, Museum of the Altar of Augustan Peace (Ara Pacis Augustae).
566. SCULPTURE. Rome.
North crowning slab of the sacrificial table, internal side.
Rome, Museum of the Altar of Augustan Peace (Ara Pacis Augustae).
567. SCULPTURE. Rome.
North crowning slab of the sacrificial table, internal side.
Rome, Museum of the Altar of Augustan Peace (Ara Pacis Augustae).
568. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Relief with a sacrificail procession of six vestals.
North crowning slab of the sacrificial table, internal side.
Rome, Museum of the Altar of Augustan Peace (Ara Pacis Augustae).
569. SCULPTURE. Rome.
South crowning slab of the sacrificial table, fragment of the frieze with flamen and veiled figure.
Rome, Museum of the Altar of Augustan Peace (Ara Pacis Augustae).
570. SCULPTURE. Rome.
South crowning slab of the sacrificial table, external side.
Rome, Museum of the Altar of Augustan Peace (Ara Pacis Augustae).
571. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Relief with a scene of a sacrifice.
North crowning slab of the sacrificial table, external side.
Rome, Museum of the Altar of Augustan Peace (Ara Pacis Augustae).
572. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Detail of the upper register of the internal precinct.
Rome, Museum of the Altar of Augustan Peace (Ara Pacis Augustae).
573. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Detail of the upper register of the internal precinct.
Rome, Museum of the Altar of Augustan Peace (Ara Pacis Augustae).
574. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Detail of the upper register of the internal precinct (close-up).
Rome, Museum of the Altar of Augustan Peace (Ara Pacis Augustae).
575. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Panel of Tellus.
13—9 BCE.
Rome, Museum of the Altar of Augustan Peace (Ara Pacis Augustae).
576. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Panel of Tellus.
Left part of the east facade of the Ara Pacis Augustae (upper panel).
Rome, Museum of the Altar of Augustan Peace (Ara Pacis Augustae).
577. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Panel of Tellus. Detail with Aura velificans on a swan.
Marble. 13—9 BCE.
Rome, Museum of the Altar of Augustan Peace (Ara Pacis Augustae).
578. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Panel of Tellus (close-up).
Left part of the east facade of the Ara Pacis Augustae (upper panel).
Rome, Museum of the Altar of Augustan Peace (Ara Pacis Augustae).
579. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Panel of Tellus. Detail of the face of the Aura velificans on a swan.
Marble. 13—9 BCE.
Rome, Museum of the Altar of Augustan Peace (Ara Pacis Augustae).
580. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Panel of Tellus (close-up).
Left part of the east facade of the Ara Pacis Augustae (upper panel).
Rome, Museum of the Altar of Augustan Peace (Ara Pacis Augustae).