Sculpture | Rome | Reliefs
961. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Sarcophagus with a bust of the deceased in a shell and a scene of marine thiasos (a detail).
Marble. 3rd century CE.
Verona, Museum-Lapidarium of Maffei.
962. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Sarcophagus with a bust of the deceased in a shell and a scene of marine thiasos (a detail).
Marble. 3rd century CE.
Verona, Museum-Lapidarium of Maffei.
963. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Myth of Phaeton.
Panel of a sarcophagus.
Marble. 3rd century CE.
Verona, Museum-Lapidarium of Maffei.
964. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Myth of Phaeton (detail).
Panel of a sarcophagus.
Marble. 3rd century CE.
Verona, Museum-Lapidarium of Maffei.
965. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Sarcophagus of a child with a chariot race (front panel).
Marble. 2nd century CE.
Verona, Museum-Lapidarium of Maffei.
966. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Sarcophagus of a child with a chariot race (left side wall).
Marble. 2nd century CE.
Verona, Museum-Lapidarium of Maffei.
967. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Sarcophagus of a child with a chariot race (right side wall).
Marble. 2nd century CE.
Verona, Museum-Lapidarium of Maffei.
968. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Three stones of the funerary monument of the Sertorii family.
1st century CE.
Inv. Nos. 28160 / 28161.
Verona, Museum-Lapidarium of Maffei.
969. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Funerary monument to Quintus Sertorius Festus, centurion of the Claudia Pia Fidelis legion.
1st century CE.
Inv. No. 28160.
Verona, Museum-Lapidarium of Maffei.
970. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Funerary monument to Lucius Sertorius Firmus, bearer of the insignia and of the eagle of the Claudia Pia Fidelis legion.
1st century CE.
Inv. No. 28161.
Verona, Museum-Lapidarium of Maffei.
971. SCULPTURE. Rome.
The battle between the Romans and the Parthians.
Scene from a cycle “Parthian war” of the Parthian frieze from Ephesos.
Dolomitic marble from Thasos.
After 169 (166?) CE.
Vienna, Ephesos Museum.
972. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Marcus Aurelius, Antoninus Pius, small Lucius Verus and Hadrian. A scene of a cycle “Adoption” of the Parthian frieze from Ephesos.
Dolomitic marble from Thasos.
After 169 (166?) CE.
Vienna, Ephesos Museum.
973. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Marcus Aurelius and Antoninus Pius. Detail of a scene of the cycle “Adoption” of the Parthian frieze from Ephesos.
Dolomitic marble from Thasos. After 169 (166?) CE.
Vienna, Ephesos Museum.
974. SCULPTURE. Rome.
8 years old Lucius Verus. Detail of a scene of the cycle “Adoption” of the Parthian frieze from Ephesos.
Dolomitic marble from Thasos.
After 169 (166?) CE.
Vienna, Ephesos Museum.
975. SCULPTURE. Rome.
A scene of a cycle “Adoption” of the Parthian frieze from Ephesos.
Dolomitic marble from Thasos. After 169 (166?) CE.
Vienna, Ephesos Museum.
976. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Sacrifice (close-up).
A scene from a cycle “Adoption” of the Parthian frieze from Ephesos.
Dolomitic marble from Thasos. After 169 (166?) CE.
Vienna, Ephesos Museum.
977. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Lucius Verus as Mars (?).
Scene from a cycle “Apotheosis of Lucius Verus” of the Parthian frieze from Ephesos.
Dolomitic marble from Thasos. After 169 (166?) CE.
Vienna, Ephesos Museum.
978. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Lucius Verus as Mars (?).
Scene from a cycle “Apotheosis of Lucius Verus” of the Parthian frieze from Ephesos.
Dolomitic marble from Thasos. After 169 (166?) CE.
Vienna, Ephesos Museum.
979. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Lucius Verus as Mars (?). Detail.
Scene from a cycle “Apotheosis of Lucius Verus” of the Parthian frieze from Ephesos.
Dolomitic marble from Thasos. After 169 (166?) CE.
Vienna, Ephesos Museum.
980. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Two slabs of the lower (decorative) register of the Parthian frieze from Ephesos.
Dolomitic marble from Thasos.
After 169 (166?) CE.
Vienna, Ephesos Museum.