Sculpture | Rome | Reliefs
941. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Relief with a scene of a Calydonian hunt.
Age of Hadrian.
Santa Maria Capua Vetere, Gladiators Museum.
942. SCULPTURE. Rome.
A part of relief decoration of the Amphitheatre of ancient Capua.
Age of Hadrian.
Santa Maria Capua Vetere, Gladiators Museum.
943. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Frontal panel of a sarcophagus with scenes of lions hunting.
Marble. 220—270 CE.
Spoleto, Piazza del Duomo.
944. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Frontal panel of a sarcophagus with scenes of lions hunting. The left scene.
Marble. 220—270 CE.
Spoleto, Piazza del Duomo.
945. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Frontal panel of a sarcophagus with scenes of lions hunting. The central scene.
Marble. 220—270 CE.
Spoleto, Piazza del Duomo.
946. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Frontal panel of a sarcophagus with scenes of lions hunting. The right scene.
Marble. 220—270 CE.
Spoleto, Piazza del Duomo.
947. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Relief with dancing Maenads.
Fine-grained marble.
Roman copy of second half of the 1st cent. CE after a Greek model of the 5th cent. BCE by Callimachus.
Inv. No. 121.
Tunis, National Museum of Bardo.
948. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Relief with dancing Maenads.
Roman copy of the 1st cent. CE after a Greek model of the 5th cent. BCE.
Turin, Museum of Antiquities.
949. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Roman work after the original by Lysippos ca. 350—330 BCE.
Inv. No. 610.
Turin, Museum of Antiquities.
Lapidarium of the Urbino, National Gallery of the Marche.
Room III.
Urbino, National Gallery of the Marche, Lapidarium.
951. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Fragment of a disc with relief depicting Ulysses and the Syrens.
Rosso antico marble.
1st cent. CE.
Inv. No. X n. 10.
Urbino, National Gallery of the Marche, Lapidarium.
952. SCULPTURE. Rome.
The Death of Niobe’s Children.
Relief of a front panel of a sarcophagus.
Roman work of the second half of the 2nd century CE.
Inv. No. 24.
Venice, National Archaeological Museum.
953. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Front relief of a sarcophagus with a with a scene of the Persephone’s abduction.
Roman work of the 2nd cent. CE.
Inv. No. 167.
Venice, National Archaeological Museum.
954. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Front relief of a sarcophagus with a with a scene of the Persephone’s abduction (close-up).
Roman work of the 2nd cent. CE.
Inv. No. 167.
Venice, National Archaeological Museum.
955. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Myth of Cleobis and Biton. Relief lid of a funerary loculus in Rome.
Marble. Roman work. Mid-2nd cent. CE.
Inv. No. 235.
Venice, National Archaeological Museum.
956. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Myth of Cleobis and Biton. Relief lid of a funerary loculus in Rome (close-up).
Marble. Roman work. Mid-2nd cent. CE.
Inv. No. 235.
Venice, National Archaeological Museum.
957. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Myth of Cleobis and Biton. Relief lid of a funerary loculus in Rome (close-up).
Marble. Roman work. Mid-2nd cent. CE.
Inv. No. 235.
Venice, National Archaeological Museum.
958. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Myth of Phaeton (detail).
Panel of a sarcophagus.
Marble. 3rd century CE.
Verona, Archaeological Museum.
959. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Head of satyr.
A part of a relief.
Marble. 2nd century CE.
Verona, Museum-Lapidarium of Maffei.
960. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Sarcophagus with a bust of the deceased in a shell and a scene of marine thiasos.
Marble. 3rd century CE.
Verona, Museum-Lapidarium of Maffei.