

3241. INSCRIPTIONS. Greece.
Inscription on the base of a statue of Lucius Domitius Ahenobarbus, dedicated to him by the People of Athens.
Late 1st century BCE — early 1st century CE (inscription); 2nd century BCE (base signed by the sculptor Mikion and reused to support this statue). Copy.
IG. II2. 4144.
Inv. No. MCR 178.
Rome, Museum of Roman Civilization.
3242. INSCRIPTIONS. Etruria.
Inscription praising L. Licinius Lucullus, who defeated Mithridates, king of Pontus, and Tigranes, king of Armenia.
Augustan age (27 BCE — 14 CE). Copy.
CIL XI 1832 = CIL I p. 196 = ILS 60 = Inscr. It. XIII. 3. 84.
Inv. No. MCR 176.
Rome, Museum of Roman Civilization.
Inscription from the base of the statue of Lucius Licinius Lucullus, dedicated to him by the Athenian Senate.
71 BCE. Copy.
IG. II2. 4104.
Inv. No. MCR 175.
Rome, Museum of Roman Civilization.
3244. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Portrait of a member of a Julio-Claudian dynasty.
Medium/fine grain white Parian marble.
First decades of the 1st cent. CE.
Baiae, Archaeological Museum of Phlegraean Fields.
3245. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Portrait of a member of a Julio-Claudian dynasty.
Medium/fine grain white Parian marble.
First decades of the 1st cent. CE.
Baiae, Archaeological Museum of Phlegraean Fields.
3246. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Portrait of a member of a Julio-Claudian dynasty.
Medium/fine grain white Parian marble.
First decades of the 1st cent. CE.
Baiae, Archaeological Museum of Phlegraean Fields.
3247. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Sitting nymph from the group “Invitation to the dance”.
Medium-grained white marble of Greek provenance (thasian).
Roman copy after a Greek marble or bronze model of the 1st century BCE.
Claudian period (41—54 CE).
Baiae, Archaeological Museum of Phlegraean Fields.
3248. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Sitting nymph from the group “Invitation to the dance”.
Medium-grained white marble of Greek provenance (thasian).
Roman copy after a Greek marble or bronze model of the 1st century BCE.
Claudian period (41—54 CE).
Baiae, Archaeological Museum of Phlegraean Fields.
3249. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Sitting nymph from the group “Invitation to the dance”.
Medium-grained white marble of Greek provenance (thasian).
Roman copy after a Greek marble or bronze model of the 1st century BCE.
Claudian period (41—54 CE).
Baiae, Archaeological Museum of Phlegraean Fields.
3250. SCULPTURE. Southern Italy.
First half of the 2nd cent. CE.
Baiae, Archaeological Museum of Phlegraean Fields.
3251. SCULPTURE. Southern Italy.
First half of the 2nd cent. CE.
Baiae, Archaeological Museum of Phlegraean Fields.
3252. CERAMICS. Southern Italy.
Amphora with the myth of Ixion (close-up).
South Italy, Campania.
Seconf half of 4th cent. BCE.
Capua, Provincial Museum of Campania.
3253. CERAMICS. Southern Italy.
Amphora with the myth of Ixion.
South Italy, Campania.
Seconf half of 4th cent. BCE.
Capua, Provincial Museum of Campania.
3254. CERAMICS. Southern Italy.
Amphora with the myth of Ixion.
South Italy, Campania.
Seconf half of 4th cent. BCE.
Capua, Provincial Museum of Campania.
3255. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Perseus with Medusa’s head (close-up).
Original roman work of the Flavian-Traianic period.
Inv. No. 99.
Ostia, Archaeological Museum.
Death of Francesca Pitti Tornabuoni (tomb relief from Santa Maria sopra Minerva in Rome).
School of Andrea del Verocchio.
Marble, end of 15th cent.
Florence, National Museum of Bargello.
Death of Francesco Sassetti (tomb relief in cappella Sassetti).
Giuliano da Sangallo.
Marble, traces of guilding. 1480s.
Florence, Church Santa Trinita.
3258. SCULPTURE. Rome.
“Achilles washing Hector’s corpse prior to its restoration to Priam” — scene from the lid of the sarcophagus with representation of scenes from the Iliad.
Greek marble. 160 CE.
Inv. No. SBAO 43504.
Ostia, Archaeological Museum.
3259. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Scene from the lid of the sarcophagus with representation of scenes from the Iliad: Achilles dragging Hector’s corpse round the Patroclus’ tomb.
Greek marble. 160 CE.
Inv. No. SBAO 43504.
Ostia, Archaeological Museum.
3260. SCULPTURE. Rome.
“Achilles mourning the dead Patroclus” — scene from the front panel of the sarcophagus with representation of scenes from the Iliad.
Greek marble. 160 CE.
Inv. No. SBAO 43504.
Ostia, Archaeological Museum.