

Inscription (missing parts added) on the base of a statue of Julius Caesar’s father.
Plaster cast.
Original: 2 CE.
CIL VI 40954 = InscrIt. XIII2. 7.
Inv. No. MCR 190.
Rome, Museum of Roman Civilization.
3342. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Faustina the Younger.
Marble. 130—175 CE.
Inv. No. S-2702.
Corinth, Archaeological Museum of Ancient Corinth.
3343. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Emperor Galba.
68—69 CE.
Inv. No. T-291.
Corinth, Archaeological Museum of Ancient Corinth.
3344. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Emperor Galba.
68—69 CE.
Inv. No. T-291.
Corinth, Archaeological Museum of Ancient Corinth.
3345. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Statue of the emperor August (close-up).
Marble. 27 BCE—14 CE.
Inv. No. S-1116.
Corinth, Archaeological Museum of Ancient Corinth.
3346. SCULPTURE. Greece.
Head of Aphrodite.
Marble. Copy of the 2nd century CE after a Greek original of the 5th cent. BCE.
Inv. No. T-246.
Corinth, Archaeological Museum of Ancient Corinth.
3347. SCULPTURE. Greece.
Head of Aphrodite.
Marble. Copy of the 2nd century CE after a Greek original of the 5th cent. BCE.
Inv. No. T-246.
Corinth, Archaeological Museum of Ancient Corinth.
3348. SCULPTURE. Greece.
Head of Dionysos.
Marble. 2nd cent. CE.
Inv. No. S 1669.
Corinth, Archaeological Museum of Ancient Corinth.
3349. SCULPTURE. Greece.
Head of Dionysos.
Marble. 2nd cent. CE.
Inv. No. S 1669.
Corinth, Archaeological Museum of Ancient Corinth.
3350. SCULPTURE. Greece.
Funerary stele of Roman legionary C. Valerius Valens (inscription).
Marble. Second half of the 1st — the very beginning of the 2nd cent. CE.
Corinth, Archaeological Museum of Ancient Corinth.
3351. SCULPTURE. Greece.
Funerary stele of Roman legionary C. Valerius Valens (close-up).
Marble. Second half of the 1st — the very beginning of the 2nd cent. CE.
Corinth, Archaeological Museum of Ancient Corinth.
3352. SCULPTURE. Greece.
Funerary stele of Roman legionary C. Valerius Valens.
Second half of the 1st — the very beginning of the 2nd cent. CE.
Corinth, Archaeological Museum of Ancient Corinth.
3353. SCULPTURE. Greece.
Heracles (from the cycle “The Labours of Heracles”).
Marble. Mid-2nd cent. CE.
Corinth, Archaeological Museum of Ancient Corinth.
3354. SCULPTURE. Greece.
Heracles and the Stymphalian birds.
Mid-2nd cent. CE.
Corinth, Archaeological Museum of Ancient Corinth.
3355. SCULPTURE. Greece.
Scene of amazonomachia (cuirassed Greek chasing mounted Amazon).
Marble. Mid-2nd cent. CE.
Corinth, Archaeological Museum of Ancient Corinth.
3356. SCULPTURE. Greece.
Scene of amazonomachia (Greek fighting a kneeling amazon).
Mid-2nd cent. CE.
Corinth, Archaeological Museum of Ancient Corinth.
3357. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Statue of a youth. Roman copy in style of the school of Praxiteles.
Fine-graine white marble.
Roman age.
Inv. No. S-3738.
Corinth, Archaeological Museum of Ancient Corinth.
3358. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Statue of a youth. Roman copy in style of the school of Praxiteles.
Fine-graine white marble.
Roman age.
Inv. No. S-3738.
Corinth, Archaeological Museum of Ancient Corinth.
3359. ARCHITECTURE. Greece.
Ancient Corinth.
5th cent. BCE — 217 CE.
Corinth, Archaeological Site.
3360. ARCHITECTURE. Greece.
Roman odeum.
Ancient Corinth.
Roman period, 70—225 CE.
Corinth, Archaeological Site.