Search results: 189 images
161. SCULPTURE. Greece.
Statuette of Heracles mingens.
Bronze, dark green, solid cast.
1st century BCE — 1st century CE.
Inv. No. Б. 307.
Saint Petersburg, State Hermitage Museum.
162. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Bust of Hercules.
Bronze. 2nd—3rd centuries.
Dark-brown patina.
Inv. No. В. 494.
Saint Petersburg, State Hermitage Museum.
163. SCULPTURE. Pre-Roman Italy.
Bronze. 4th century BCE.
Inv. No. В. 1887.
Saint Petersburg, State Hermitage Museum.
164. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Heracles struggling with the Nemean lion.
Inv. Nos. Гр. 5600 / А. 498.
Saint Petersburg, State Hermitage Museum.
165. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Heracles struggling with the Nemean lion.
Torsos of Heracles and the lion are fragments of the relief depicting the labours of Heracles from a Roman sarcophagus of the 2nd—3rd centuries (?).
Additions and restoration are Italian work of the 17th century (?).
Inv. No. Гр. 5600 (A. 498).
Saint Petersburg, State Hermitage Museum.
166. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Heracles struggling with the Nemean lion.
2nd—3rd centuries (?).
Inv. No. Гр. 5600 (A. 498).
Saint Petersburg, State Hermitage Museum.
167. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Heracles struggling with the Nemean lion.
2nd—3rd centuries (?).
Inv. No. Гр. 5600 (A. 498).
Saint Petersburg, State Hermitage Museum.
168. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Heracles struggling with the Nemean lion.
2nd—3rd centuries (?).
Inv. No. Гр. 5600 (A. 498).
Saint Petersburg, State Hermitage Museum.
169. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Head of Heracles.
Inv. No. Гр. 8988 (А. 780).
Saint Petersburg, State Hermitage Museum.
170. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Head of Heracles.
Inv. No. Гр. 8988 (А. 780).
Saint Petersburg, State Hermitage Museum.
171. SCULPTURE. Greece.
Head of Heracles.
Fine-grained marble. Hellenistic copy.
Height 11 cm.
Inv. No. Н. ПХ.64.119.
Saint Petersburg, State Hermitage Museum.
Hercules Farnese (after the Antique).
Italian sculptor of the 18th century.
Inv. No. Н.ск-777.
Saint Petersburg, State Hermitage Museum.
173. SCULPTURE. Greece.
Head of Heracles.
Solid terracotta. 3rd century BCE.
Height 9 cm.
Inv. No. Х.1974.80.
Saint Petersburg, State Hermitage Museum.
174. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Dionysiac lenos-sarcophagus with the vintage scenes (the right side).
White marble. Beginning of the 3rd cent. CE.
Salerno, Cathedral.
175. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Base of a column with dionysiac scenes (front side). Scene of the meeting of gods.
Marble. Severan age.
Salerno, Cathedral.
176. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Relief with a scene “Heracles fighting Antaeus”.
Age of Hadrian.
Santa Maria Capua Vetere, Gladiators Museum.
177. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Frontal panel of a sarcophagus with scenes of lions hunting. The left scene.
Marble. 220—270 CE.
Spoleto, Piazza del Duomo.
178. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Frontal panel of a sarcophagus with scenes of lions hunting. The central scene.
Marble. 220—270 CE.
Spoleto, Piazza del Duomo.
179. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Figure of seating Heracles (?).
1st cent. BCE.
Inv. No. 77237.
Urbino, National Gallery of the Marche, Lapidarium.
180. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Figure of seating Heracles (?).
1st cent. BCE.
Inv. No. 77237.
Urbino, National Gallery of the Marche, Lapidarium.