section: Sculpture;
region: Rome
Search results: 5277 images
2021. SCULPTURE. Rome.
A funerary stele depicting races on biga.
Limestone. 1st cent. BCE.
Inv. No. 8.
Padua, Archaeological Museum.
2022. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Mid-1st cent. CE.
Inv. No. R.L. 819.
Padua, Archaeological Museum.
2023. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Marble. Second half of the 1st cent. BCE.
Inv. No. R.L. 835.
Padua, Archaeological Museum.
2024. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Marble. Second half of the 1st cent. BCE.
Inv. No. R.L. 835.
Padua, Archaeological Museum.
2025. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Funerary monument of the Volumnii.
Basement - trachite, edicola - limestone.
Age of Augustus.
Inv. No. 239.
Padua, Archaeological Museum.
2026. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Funerary monument of the Volumnii.
Basement - trachite, edicola - limestone.
Age of Augustus.
Inv. No. 239.
Padua, Archaeological Museum.
2027. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Fronton of the funerary monument of the Volumnii.
Age of Augustus.
Inv. No. 239.
Padua, Archaeological Museum.
2028. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Funerary altar of Titus Aelius.
1st cent. CE.
131x52x45 cm.
CIL V, 2889.
Inv. No. 255.
Padua, Archaeological Museum.
2029. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Funerary of the Cartorii family.
Age of Augustus.
226x68x42 cm.
Inv. No. 242.
Padua, Archaeological Museum.
2030. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Funerary monument of the Volumnii.
Age of Augustus.
Inv. No. 239.
Padua, Archaeological Museum.
2031. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Funerary stele of Gaius Valerius Diodorus.
End of 3d cent. CE.
96x44.5x8 cm.
CIL 11, 00235.
Inv. No. 194.
Padua, Archaeological Museum.
2032. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Funerary stela of Aulus Lucanus.
Beginning of the 1st cent. CE.
226x68x42 cm.
Padua, Archaeological Museum.
2033. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Heracles with a stag.
Palermo, Regional Archaeological Museum “Antonio Salinas”.
2034. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Portrait head of a young prince of the Julio-Claudian dynasty (Britannicus?).
Mid-1st cent. CE.
Palermo, Regional Archaeological Museum “Antonio Salinas”.
2035. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Roman strigillato sarcophagus with images of the deceased and his family.
Box: 2nd—3rd cent. CE.
Lid: 1318.
Palermo, Regional Archaeological Museum “Antonio Salinas”.
2036. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Statue of a boy wearing toga.
The reign of Claudius or Nero (50—68 CE).
Palermo, Regional Archaeological Museum “Antonio Salinas”.
2037. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Statue of a Roman wearing toga.
Mid-1st century CE.
Palermo, Regional Archaeological Museum “Antonio Salinas”.
2038. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Domitia Longina, the wife of Domitian.
Head: end of the 1st — beginning of the 2nd cent. CE, bust: modern work.
Palermo, Regional Archaeological Museum “Antonio Salinas”.
2039. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Domitia Longina, the wife of Domitian.
Head: end of the 1st — beginning of the 2nd cent. CE, bust: modern work.
Palermo, Regional Archaeological Museum “Antonio Salinas”.
2040. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Domitia Longina, the wife of Domitian.
Head: end of the 1st — beginning of the 2nd cent. CE, bust: modern work.
Palermo, Regional Archaeological Museum “Antonio Salinas”.