Photographer: Ilya Shurygin (3663 photo)
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2541. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Sarcophagus with clipeus portrait (imago clipeata) of the deceased.
White marble. Second half of the 3rd century CE.
Rome, Roman National Museum, Baths of Diocletian.
A curse tablet (tabella defixionis) with a curse against Caecilia Prima.
Lead. Second half of the 1st cent. CE.
Rome, Roman National Museum, Baths of Diocletian.
A curse tablet (tabella defixionis) with a curse against Caecilia Prima — line-drawing of the text and a zoomed part of side B.
Lead. Second half of the 1st cent. CE.
Rome, Roman National Museum, Baths of Diocletian.
2544. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Sarcophagus with a myth of Selene and Endymion.
Early 3rd cent. CE.
Rome, Roman National Museum, Baths of Diocletian.
2545. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Sarcophagus with a myth of Selene and Endymion (the front relief).
Early 3rd cent. CE.
Rome, Roman National Museum, Baths of Diocletian.
2546. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Aphrodite (the Capitoline type).
Marble. Roman copy of the Imperial age after a Greek prototype of the Hellenistic age.
Inv. No. 21.
Rome, Roman National Museum, Baths of Diocletian.
2547. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Aphrodite (the Capitoline type). A close-up.
Marble. Roman copy of the Imperial age after a Greek prototype of the Hellenistic age.
Inv. No. 21.
Rome, Roman National Museum, Baths of Diocletian.
2548. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Scenes of the myth of Medea. Front panel of sarcophagus.
Greek marble. 150—170 CE.
Inv. No. 222.
Rome, Roman National Museum, Baths of Diocletian.
2549. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Scenes of the myth of Medea. Front panel of sarcophagus (close-up).
Greek marble. 150—170. CE.
Inv. No. 222.
Rome, Roman National Museum, Baths of Diocletian.
2550. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Scene of the myth of the Argonauts. Left short panel of sarcophagus with the myth of Medea.
Greek marble. 150—170 CE.
Inv. No. 222.
Rome, Roman National Museum, Baths of Diocletian.
2551. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Scene of the myth of the Argonauts. Right short panel of sarcophagus with the myth of Medea.
Greek marble. 150—170 CE.
Inv. No. 222.
Rome, Roman National Museum, Baths of Diocletian.
2552. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Lucius Cornelius Pusio.
Bronze. 41—54 CE.
Inv. No. 48134.
Rome, Roman National Museum, Baths of Diocletian.
2553. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Lucius Cornelius Pusio.
Bronze. 41—54 CE.
Inv. No. 48134.
Rome, Roman National Museum, Baths of Diocletian.
2554. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Lucius Cornelius Pusio.
Bronze. 41—54 CE.
Inv. No. 48134.
Rome, Roman National Museum, Baths of Diocletian.
2555. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Inscription on the base of the statue of Lucius Cornelius Pusio.
Bronze. 41—54 CE.
Inv. No. 48135.
Rome, Roman National Museum, Baths of Diocletian.
The Allia Potestas epitaph.
End of the 2nd — early 3d cent. CE.
CIL VI 37965.
Inv. No. 58694.
Rome, Roman National Museum, Baths of Diocletian.
A curse tablet (tabella defixionis).
Lead. Mid-1st cent. BCE.
Inv. No. 65037.
Rome, Roman National Museum, Baths of Diocletian.
2558. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Drunken Dionysos.
White marble. 1st cent. CE (Claudian Age).
Inv. No. 74026.
Rome, Roman National Museum, Baths of Diocletian.
2559. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Drunken Dionysos (close-up).
White marble. 1st cent. CE (Claudian Age).
Inv. No. 74026.
Rome, Roman National Museum, Baths of Diocletian.
Funerary altar of Gn. Pompeius Magnus, the son-in-law of emperor Claudius.
CIL VI 31722 = ILS. 955.
Marble. 47 CE.
Inv. No. 78163.
Rome, Roman National Museum, Baths of Diocletian.
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