Ceramics | Location
161. CERAMICS. Greece.
Odysseus blinds sleeping Polyphemus.
Black-figure vessel for wine.
Ca. 500 BCE.
Paris, Louvre Museum.
162. CERAMICS. Greece.
Poet Linus edifies young Musaios.
Clay. 5th century BCE.
Paris, Louvre Museum.
163. CERAMICS. Greece.
The Slaughter of the Niobes.
Krater. Second quarter of the 5th century BCE.
Paris, Louvre Museum.
164. CERAMICS. Greece.
Apollo and Artemis killing the children of Niobe.
Red-figure calyx krater. Attic.
By the Niobid Painter.
Clay. Ca. 450 BCE.
Paris, Louvre Museum.
165. CERAMICS. Greece.
Athena killing Enkelados.
Red-figure dish. Attic, Athens.
Painter: Oltos? (Louvre) / circle of Psiax (Mertens).
550—500 BCE.
Inv. No. CA 3662.
Paris, Louvre Museum.
166. CERAMICS. Greece.
Achilles and the body of Hector.
Red-figure kylix. Attic, Athens.
Signed by Hieron as potter; attributed to Macron as painter.
Ca. 490—480 BCE.
Inv. Nos. G 153 / Cp 47-50.
Paris, Louvre Museum.
167. CERAMICS. Greece.
Cassandra and Ajax.
Red-figure kylix. Attic, Athens.
Attributed to “The Codrus Painter”.
Ca. 440—430 BCE.
Inv. No. G 458.
Paris, Louvre Museum.
168. CERAMICS. Southern Italy.
Jason bringing the Golden Fleece to Pelias, the king of Iolcus.
Red-figure crater. Apulia.
Clay. 350—340 BCE.
Inv. No. K 127.
Paris, Louvre Museum.
169. CERAMICS. Southern Italy.
Jason bringing the Golden Fleece to Pelias, the king of Iolcus. Detail.
Red-figure crater. Apulia.
Clay. 350—340 BCE.
Inv. No. K 127.
Paris, Louvre Museum.
170. CERAMICS. Greece.
Greek wedding procession.
Drawing on vase.
Inv. No. L 55.
Paris, Louvre Museum.
171. CERAMICS. Greece.
A wounded warrior.
Black-figure white-ground lekythos. Attic, Athens.
Attributed to the Athena Painter.
500—480 BCE.
Inv. No. 299.
Paris, National Library of France, Cabinet of Medals.
172. CERAMICS. Etruria.
Dionysiac grape harvesting
Red-figure kylix (type A). Attic, Athens.
Attributed to the Chiusi Painter (by Beazley), or an Attic work in archaic Greek style.
520—500 BCE.
Inv. No. 320.
Paris, National Library of France, Cabinet of Medals.
173. CERAMICS. Greece.
Dionysus singing with a lyre and two satyrs.
Red-figure kylix. Attic, Athens.
Attributed to the Brygos Painter (P. Hartwig).
480—470 BCE.
Inv. No. 576.
Paris, National Library of France, Cabinet of Medals.
174. CERAMICS. Greece.
Achilles and Troilos.
Clay. Red-figure kylix, interior. Attic.
Signed by Euphronios as painter.
Perugia, National Archaeological Museum of Umbria.
175. CERAMICS. Etruria.
Peleus abducting bathing Thetida.
Red-figure crater.
Clay. Ca. 340 BCE.
176. CERAMICS. Etruria.
Peleus abducting bathing Thetida. Fragment
Red-figure crater.
Clay. Ca. 340 BCE.
177. CERAMICS. Etruria.
The capture of Troy by the Acheans.
Red-figure krater from Falerii.
By the Nazzano Painter.
Clay. 4th century BCE.
Inv. No. 1197.
Rome, National Etruscan Museum of Villa Julia.
178. CERAMICS. Etruria.
Figured double-sided caricature ascos.
Clay. 3rd century BCE.
Rome, Vatican Museums.
179. CERAMICS. Etruria.
Funeral urn with reliefs from Cerveteri (Caere).
Clay, red impasto.
7th century BCE.
Rome, Vatican Museums.
180. CERAMICS. Greece.
Athena rescues Jason from the jaws of the dragon.
Red-figure kylix. Attic.
Attributed to Douris by Harwing.
Ca. 480—470 BCE.
Inv. No. 16545.
Rome, Vatican Museums, Gregorian Etruscan Museum.