1241. SCULPTURE. Rome. A prince of the Julio-Claudian family (Nero Caesar, the son of Germanicus?). Marble. 1st century. Naples, National Archaeological Museum. | |
1242. SCULPTURE. Rome. Scenes of the myth of Medea. Front panel of sarcophagus. Luna marble. 2nd cent. CE. Inv. No. 3257. Naples, National Archaeological Museum. | |
1243. SCULPTURE. Rome. Bust of Artemis. Bronze. Tiberian reworking of a Greek statuary models of the 4th cent. BCE. Inv. No. 4895. Naples, National Archaeological Museum. | |
1244. SCULPTURE. Rome. Bust of Artemis. Bronze. 100 BCE — before 79 CE. Inv. No. 4895. Naples, National Archaeological Museum. | |
1245. SCULPTURE. Rome. Bust of Artemis. Bronze. 100 BCE — before 79 CE. Inv. No. 4895. Naples, National Archaeological Museum. | |
1246. SCULPTURE. Rome. Herma with the portrait of an actor Caius Norbanus Sorex. Bronze, cipollo marble. Augustan age. CIL X 814. Inv. No. 4991. Naples, National Archaeological Museum. | |
1247. SCULPTURE. Rome. Herma with the portrait of an actor Caius Norbanus Sorex. Bronze, cipollo marble. Augustan age. Inv. No. 4991. Naples, National Archaeological Museum. | |
1248. SCULPTURE. Rome. Livia (presumably). Bronze. 1st century CE. Inv. No. 5589. Naples, National Archaeological Museum. | |
1249. SCULPTURE. Rome. Livia (presumably). Bronze. 1st century CE. Inv. No. 5589. Naples, National Archaeological Museum. | |
1250. SCULPTURE. Rome. Livia (presumably). Bronze. 1st century CE. Inv. No. 5589. Naples, National Archaeological Museum. | |
1251. SCULPTURE. Rome. Livia (presumably). Bronze. 1st century CE. Inv. No. 5589. Naples, National Archaeological Museum. | |
1252. SCULPTURE. Rome. Livia (presumably). Bronze. 1st century CE. Inv. No. 5589. Naples, National Archaeological Museum. | |
1253. SCULPTURE. Rome. Statue of Lucius Mammius Maximus in toga. Bronze. Age of Claudius (41—54 CE). CIL X 1452. Inv. No. 5591. Naples, National Archaeological Museum. | |
1254. SCULPTURE. Rome. Statue of Lucius Mammius Maximus in toga. Bronze. Age of Claudius (41—54 CE). Inv. No. 5591. Naples, National Archaeological Museum. | |
1255. SCULPTURE. Rome. Bust of Artemis? (Bust of Sapho?). Bronze. After Greek original of the 4th century BCE. Inv. No. 5592. Naples, National Archaeological Museum. | |
1256. SCULPTURE. Rome. Bust of Artemis? (Bust of Sapho?). Bronze. After Greek original of the 4th century BCE. Inv. No. 5592. Naples, National Archaeological Museum. | |
1257. SCULPTURE. Rome. Bust of Artemis? (Bust of Sapho?). Bronze. After Greek original of the 4th century BCE. Inv. No. 5592. Naples, National Archaeological Museum. | |
1258. SCULPTURE. Rome. Bust of Artemis? (Bust of Sapho?). Detail. Bronze. After Greek original of the 4th century BCE. Inv. No. 5592. Naples, National Archaeological Museum. | |
1259. SCULPTURE. Rome. Emperor Claudius as a nude hero. Bronze. 49—50 CE. CIL X 1416. Inv. No. 5593. Naples, National Archaeological Museum. | |
1260. SCULPTURE. Rome. Emperor Claudius as a nude hero (detail). Bronze. 49—50 CE. Inv. No. 5593. Naples, National Archaeological Museum. | |