Sculpture | Rome | Reliefs
541. SCULPTURE. Rome.
South procession, sequence from Agrippa to Drusus.
Marble. 13—9 BCE.
Rome, Museum of the Altar of Augustan Peace (Ara Pacis Augustae).
542. SCULPTURE. Rome.
South procession, slab with Antonia Minor, Drusus and little Germanicus.
13—9 BCE.
Rome, Museum of the Altar of Augustan Peace (Ara Pacis Augustae).
543. SCULPTURE. Rome.
South procession, the flamines followed by Agrippa, little Gaius Caesar and a female figure identified as Livia or, more probably, Giulia.
Marble. 13—9 BCE.
Rome, Museum of the Altar of Augustan Peace (Ara Pacis Augustae).
544. SCULPTURE. Rome.
South proseccion, detail of Augustus’ face.
13—9 BCE.
Rome, Museum of the Altar of Augustan Peace (Ara Pacis Augustae).
545. SCULPTURE. Rome.
South proseccion, detail of the character south 16 of Augustus’ retinue.
Marble. 13—9 BCE.
Rome, Museum of the Altar of Augustan Peace (Ara Pacis Augustae).
546. SCULPTURE. Rome.
The head of the young man now recognized as Honos.
13—9 BCE.
Rome, Museum of the Altar of Augustan Peace (Ara Pacis Augustae).
547. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Vegetal frieze.
Detail with flower and palmette.
Marble. 13—9 BCE.
Rome, Museum of the Altar of Augustan Peace (Ara Pacis Augustae).
548. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Vegetal frieze.
Detail with scorpion.
Marble. 13—9 BCE.
Rome, Museum of the Altar of Augustan Peace (Ara Pacis Augustae).
549. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Vegetal frieze.
Detail with snail.
Marble. 13—9 BCE.
Rome, Museum of the Altar of Augustan Peace (Ara Pacis Augustae).
550. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Vegetal frieze.
North side, acanthus scrolls generating the composition.
Marble. 13—9 BCE.
Rome, Museum of the Altar of Augustan Peace (Ara Pacis Augustae).
551. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Vegetal frieze.
Portion below the panel of Tellus with modern insertion, perhaps resulting from a 16th-century restoration.
Marble. 13—9 BCE.
Rome, Museum of the Altar of Augustan Peace (Ara Pacis Augustae).
552. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Vegetal frieze.
Scroll with flower on the north side.
Marble. 13—9 BCE.
Rome, Museum of the Altar of Augustan Peace (Ara Pacis Augustae).
553. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Vegetal frieze.
Scroll with ivy on the south side.
Marble. 13—9 BCE.
Rome, Museum of the Altar of Augustan Peace (Ara Pacis Augustae).
554. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Vegetal frieze.
South side.
Marble. 13—9 BCE.
Rome, Museum of the Altar of Augustan Peace (Ara Pacis Augustae).
555. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Vegetal frieze inder the panel of goddess Rome.
Marble. 13—9 BCE.
Rome, Museum of the Altar of Augustan Peace (Ara Pacis Augustae).
556. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Vegetal frieze of the north side.
13—9 BCE.
Rome, Museum of the Altar of Augustan Peace (Ara Pacis Augustae).
557. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Vegetal frieze of the north side.
13—9 BCE.
Rome, Museum of the Altar of Augustan Peace (Ara Pacis Augustae).
558. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Panel with Aeneas sacrificing to the Penates.
13—9 BCE.
Rome, Museum of the Altar of Augustan Peace (Ara Pacis Augustae).
559. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Right part of the west facade of the Ara Pacis.
Rome, Museum of the Altar of Augustan Peace (Ara Pacis Augustae).
560. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Decorative floral panel.
Right part of the west facade of the Ara Pacis Augustae (lower panel).
Rome, Museum of the Altar of Augustan Peace (Ara Pacis Augustae).