Sculpture | Rome | Reliefs
861. SCULPTURE. Greece.
Decorative vase “Dionysus and his companions” (a close-up of the frieze relief).
Marble. 2nd century CE.
Inv. No. A 111.
Saint Petersburg, State Hermitage Museum.
862. SCULPTURE. Greece.
Decorative vase “Dionysus and his companions”. Detail: herm of Priapus.
Marble. 2nd century CE.
Inv. No. A 111.
Saint Petersburg, State Hermitage Museum.
863. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Fragment of a vase.
Marble. Greco-roman work of the late 1st century BCE.
Inv. No. A 174.
Saint Petersburg, State Hermitage Museum.
864. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Sarcophagus with strigillated ornamentation and central gates (the front panel).
Early 3rd cent. CE.
Inv. No. A 183.
Saint Petersburg, State Hermitage Museum.
865. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Sarcophagus with strigillated ornamentation and central gates (the front panel — close up).
Early 3rd cent. CE.
Inv. No. A 183.
Saint Petersburg, State Hermitage Museum.
866. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Nine Muses, Athena and Apollo.
Relief of the front wall of a sarcophagus.
White fine-grained marble. 2nd cent. CE.
Inv. No. A 185.
Saint Petersburg, State Hermitage Museum.
867. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Nine Muses, Athena and Apollo. Detail: Polyhymnia, Euterpe, Thalia, Melpomene, Erato.
Relief of the front wall of a sarcophagus.
Marble. 2nd cent. CE.
Inv. No. A 185.
Saint Petersburg, State Hermitage Museum.
868. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Nine Muses, Athena and Apollo. Detail: Calliope, Terpsichore, Urania, Clio.
Relief of the front wall of a sarcophagus.
Marble. 2nd cent. CE.
Inv. No. A 185.
Saint Petersburg, State Hermitage Museum.
869. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Sarcophagus with scenes of myth of Phaedra and Hippolytus. Front panel: the departure of Hippolytus and his friends to the hunt, and his encounter with Phaedra’s wet-nurse.
Marble. Late 2nd cent. CE.
Inv. No. A 432.
Saint Petersburg, State Hermitage Museum.
870. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Sarcophagus with scenes of myth of Phaedra and Hippolytus. Front panel: Phaedra’s wet-nurse brings to Hippolytus a love message from Phaedra.
Marble. Late 2nd cent. CE.
Inv. No. A 432.
Saint Petersburg, State Hermitage Museum.
871. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Sarcophagus with scenes of myth of Phaedra and Hippolytus. Front panel: Phaedra’s wet-nurse brings to Hippolytus a love message from Phaedra.
Marble. Late 2nd cent. CE.
Inv. No. A 432.
Saint Petersburg, State Hermitage Museum.
872. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Sarcophagus with scenes of myth of Phaedra and Hippolytus (right corner — close up).
Marble. Late 2nd cent. CE.
Inv. No. A 432.
Saint Petersburg, State Hermitage Museum.
873. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Sarcophagus with scenes of myth of Phaedra and Hippolytus. Right side panel: Phaedra, the wife of Theseus and stepmother of Hippolitus hands over a declaration of love for her stepson to her wet mother.
Marble. Late 2nd cent. CE.
Inv. No. A 432.
Saint Petersburg, State Hermitage Museum.
874. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Sarcophagus with scenes of myth of Phaedra and Hippolytus. Left side panel: the death of Hippolytus.
Marble. Late 2nd cent. CE.
Inv. No. A 432.
Saint Petersburg, State Hermitage Museum.
875. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Sarcophagus with scenes of myth of Phaedra and Hippolytus (rear panel).
Marble. Late 2nd cent. CE.
Inv. No. A 432.
Saint Petersburg, State Hermitage Museum.
876. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Sarcophagus with scenes of myth of Phaedra and Hippolytus. Rear panel: the hunting for a wild boar.
Marble. Late 2nd cent. CE.
Inv. No. A 432.
Saint Petersburg, State Hermitage Museum.
877. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Sarcophagus with scenes of myth of Phaedra and Hippolytus (rear panel).
Marble. Late 2nd cent. CE.
Inv. No. A 432.
Saint Petersburg, State Hermitage Museum.
878. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Cinerery urn of Cornelius Eutichius.
Roman work. Carrara marble.
End of the 1st century CE.
Inv. No. A. 437.
Saint Petersburg, State Hermitage Museum.
879. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Orestes slaying Aegisthus and Clytemnestra.
Frontal relief of a sarcophagus.
Rome. Marble. Ca. 150 CE.
Inv. No. A 461.
Saint Petersburg, State Hermitage Museum.
880. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Erinys, Electra and Orestes (a close-up of relief “Orestes slaying Aegisthus and Clytemnestra”).
Frontal relief of a sarcophagus.
Rome. Marble. Ca. 150 CE.
Inv. No. A 461.
Saint Petersburg, State Hermitage Museum.