Sculpture | Rome | Roman copy after a Greek originals
1061. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Relief with dancing Maenads.
Fine-grained marble.
Roman copy of second half of the 1st cent. CE after a Greek model of the 5th cent. BCE by Callimachus.
Inv. No. 121.
Tunis, National Museum of Bardo.
1062. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Statue of Aesculapius.
Inv. No. C 1014.
Tunis, National Museum of Bardo.
1063. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Relief with dancing Maenads.
Roman copy of the 1st cent. CE after a Greek model of the 5th cent. BCE.
Turin, Museum of Antiquities.
1064. SCULPTURE. Greece.
“Horses of Saint Mark”.
Bronze. Attributed to the Greek sculptor Lysippos, 4th century BCE.
Venice, Basilica of St. Mark.
1065. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Leda and the Swan.
Marble. Roman copy of late Hadrian age from an attic original of mid-1st. century BCE).
Inv. No. 30.
Venice, National Archaeological Museum.
1066. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Leda and the Swan (close-up).
Marble. Roman copy of late Hadrian age from an attic original of mid-1st. century BCE).
Inv. No. 30.
Venice, National Archaeological Museum.
1067. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Falling Galatian.
Marble. Roman copy of second half of 2nd century CE after a Pergamon original of second half of 2nd century BCE.
Inv. No. 55.
Venice, National Archaeological Museum.
1068. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Dead Galatian.
Marble. Roman copy of second half of 2nd century CE after a Pergamon original of second half of 2nd century BCE.
Inv. No. 56.
Venice, National Archaeological Museum.
1069. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Kneeling Galatian.
Marble. Roman copy of second half of 2nd century CE after a Pergamon original of second half of 2nd century BCE.
Inv. No. 57.
Venice, National Archaeological Museum.
1070. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Roman copy of the 2nd century CE after a Pergamon original of the early 3rd cent. BCE.
Inv. No. 496.
Venice, National Archaeological Museum.
1071. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Ulysses (close-up).
Roman copy of the 2nd century CE after a Pergamon original of the early 3rd cent. BCE.
Inv. No. 496.
Venice, National Archaeological Museum.
1072. SCULPTURE. Rome.
End of 1sr cent. BCE — beginning of the 1st cent. CE.
Verona, Archaeological Museum.
1073. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Marble. Mid-1st century CE.
Verona, Archaeological Museum.
1074. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Artemis of Ephesus.
Marble. First half of the 2nd century CE.
Verona, Archaeological Museum.
1075. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Artemis of Ephesus. Detail.
Marble. First half of the 2nd century CE.
Verona, Archaeological Museum.
1076. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Artemis of Ephesus. Detail.
Marble. First half of the 2nd century CE.
Verona, Archaeological Museum.
Marco Dente da Ravenna (1493—1527).
Engraving on copper plate. 1520s.
Vienna, Albertina Gallery.
1078. SCULPTURE. Greece.
Sphinx with youth as victim.
Roman copy from detail on throne of Pheidias’ Zeus at Olympia
Vienna, Ephesos Museum.
1079. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Apoxyomenos (athlete scraping his body with a strigil).
Bronze. Roman copy of a bronze original by Polykleitos ca. 320 BCE.
Inv. No. 129.
Vienna, Ephesos Museum.
1080. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Apoxyomenos (athlete scraping his body with a strigil).
Bronze. Roman copy of a bronze original by Polykleitos ca. 320 BCE.
Inv. No. 129.
Vienna, Ephesos Museum.