

1081. CERAMICS. Greece.
A youth handing a lyre to another youth before a gesturing companion.
Red-figured kylix. Attic.
Ca. 460 BCE.
Sotheby’s Auction House, New York.
1082. CERAMICS. Greece.
A cloaked man leaning on a stick.
Red-figured kylix. Attic.
Ca. 460 BCE.
Sotheby’s Auction House, New York.
1083. GLYPTICS. Greece.
Comic mask.
Three-layered sardonyx in a new gold mount.
2nd—1st cent. BCE.
Christie’s Fine Art Auction House, London.
1084. GLYPTICS. Rome.
Medallion with cameo.
Sardonyx, gold, enamel.
Cameo: Rome. 1st century. Workshop of Dioskourides.
Mount: Russia, 19th century.
Inv. Nos. ГР-12712 / Ж. 325.
Saint Petersburg, State Hermitage Museum.
1085. GLYPTICS. Egypt.
A young man with an aryballos.
Sardonyx in a new gold mount.
Alexandria. 1st century BCE.
Inv. Nos. ГР-12594 / Ж. 207.
Saint Petersburg, State Hermitage Museum.
1086. GLYPTICS. Rome.
Eroses watching a cock-fight in front of a herm.
Sardonyx in a new gold mount.
Rome (?). 1st century BCE.
Inv. Nos. ГР-12636 / Ж. 252.
Saint Petersburg, State Hermitage Museum.
1087. GLYPTICS. Rome.
Hermaphroditus surrounded by Eroses.
1st century CE.
Inv. No. Ж. 12.
Saint Petersburg, State Hermitage Museum.
1088. GLYPTICS. Rome.
Hermaphroditus surrounded by Eroses.
1st century CE.
Inv. No. Ж. 10.
Saint Petersburg, State Hermitage Museum.
1089. GLYPTICS. Rome.
Cameo fragment: a woman bathing near the spring.
Mediterranean. 1st century BCE — 1st century CE.
Inv. Nos. ГРН-12390 / Ж. 1.
Saint Petersburg, State Hermitage Museum.
1090. GLYPTICS. Egypt.
Aphrodite and eagle.
Three-layered sardonyx.
Alexandria, 1st century BCE.
Workshop of Sostrates.
Inv. Nos. ГР-12688 / Ж. 301.
Saint Petersburg, State Hermitage Museum.
1091. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Luna marble.
Roman work of the 117—138 CE after an Hellenistic original. The head is modern.
Inv. No. S 266.
Rome, Capitoline Museums, Palazzo Nuovo, Gallery.
1092. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Luna marble.
Roman work of the 117—138 CE after an Hellenistic original. The head is modern.
Inv. No. S 266.
Rome, Capitoline Museums, Palazzo Nuovo, Gallery.
1093. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Athena the Giustiniani type (so-called Athena Velletri).
Parian marble, Luna marble.
Copy of the early imperial age from an original of the late 5th — early 4th cent. BCE.
Inv. No. S 278.
Rome, Capitoline Museums, Palazzo Nuovo, Gallery.
1094. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Altar without epitaph with a patera and a urceus.
Inv. No. S 2061.
Rome, Capitoline Museums, Palazzo Nuovo, Gallery.
1095. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Altar with sepulchral inscription.
2nd cent. CE.
CIL VI 13154.
Inv. Nos. S 2060 / CE 4620 / NCE 1685.
Rome, Capitoline Museums, Palazzo Nuovo, Gallery.
1096. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Septimius Severus.
Luna marble.
200—210 CE.
Inv. No. S 364.
Rome, Capitoline Museums, Palazzo Nuovo, Gallery.
1097. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Septimius Severus.
Luna marble.
200—210 CE.
Inv. No. S 364.
Rome, Capitoline Museums, Palazzo Nuovo, Gallery.
1098. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Altar dedicated to Magna Mater and Attis by Lucius Cornelius Scipio Orfitus.
Grechetto marble.
295 CE.
CIL VI 506 = CIL VI 30782.
Inv. No. S 1912.
Rome, Capitoline Museums, Palazzo Nuovo, Gallery.
1099. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Luna marble.
Roman work of the 117—138 CE after an Hellenistic original. The head is modern.
Inv. No. S 266.
Rome, Capitoline Museums, Palazzo Nuovo, Gallery.
1100. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Luna marble.
Copy of the imperial age from an original of the 4th cent. BCE attributed to Praxiteles.
Inv. No. S 505.
Rome, Capitoline Museums, Palazzo Nuovo, Gallery.