Photographer: Ilya Shurygin (3661 photo)
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321. MILITARY ART. Rome.
Bronze helmet, type “Negau”, from Daone.
Lateral view.
4th—1st centuries BCE.
Brescia, Santa Giulia Civic Museum.
322. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Portrait of a member of Flavian dynasty.
Bronze. Second half of the 1st century CE.
Inv. No. 348.
Brescia, Santa Giulia Civic Museum.
323. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Portrait of a member of Flavian dynasty (rear view).
Bronze. Second half of the 1st century CE.
Inv. No. 348.
Brescia, Santa Giulia Civic Museum.
324. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Front panel of sarcophagus with a scene of a naval battle.
Apuan marble. 2nd century CE.
Inv. No. MR 1.
Brescia, Santa Giulia Civic Museum.
325. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Sarcophagus with a scene of a naval battle. Detail: a thrown down warrier bites the enemy’s leg.
Apuan marble. 2nd century CE.
Inv. No. MR 1.
Brescia, Santa Giulia Civic Museum.
326. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Greek marble. 1st cent. CE.
Inv. No. MR 2.
Brescia, Santa Giulia Civic Museum.
327. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Greek marble. 1st cent. CE.
Inv. No. MR 2.
Brescia, Santa Giulia Civic Museum.
328. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Greek marble. Late 1st — early 2nd cent. CE.
Inv. No. MR 71.
Brescia, Santa Giulia Civic Museum.
329. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Greek marble. Late 1st — early 2nd cent. CE.
Inv. No. MR 71.
Brescia, Santa Giulia Civic Museum.
330. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Nero Claudius Drusus the Elder?
Greek marble. Late 1st cent. BCE — early 1st cent. CE.
Inv. No. MR 281.
Brescia, Santa Giulia Civic Museum.
331. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Septimius Severus.
Gilded bronze. Late 2nd — early 3rd centuries CE.
Inv. No. MR 349.
Brescia, Santa Giulia Civic Museum.
332. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Marcus Aurelius Probus.
Gilded bronze. Second half of the 3rd century CE.
Inv. No. MR 350.
Brescia, Santa Giulia Civic Museum.
333. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Marcus Aurelius Probus.
Gilded bronze. Second half of the 3rd century CE.
Inv. No. MR 351.
Brescia, Santa Giulia Civic Museum.
334. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Claudius II Gothicus.
Gilded bronze.
Late 3rd century CE.
Inv. No. MR 352.
Brescia, Santa Giulia Civic Museum.
335. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Claudius II Gothicus.
Gilded bronze.
Late 3rd century CE.
Inv. No. MR 353.
Brescia, Santa Giulia Civic Museum.
336. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Claudius II Gothicus.
Gilded bronze.
Late 3rd century CE.
Inv. No. MR 353.
Brescia, Santa Giulia Civic Museum.
337. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Winged Victory.
1st century CE.
Inv. No. MR 369.
Brescia, Santa Giulia Civic Museum.
338. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Winged Victory.
Bronze. 1st century CE.
Inv. No. MR 369.
Brescia, Santa Giulia Civic Museum.
339. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Winged Victory. Detail.
Bronze. 1st century CE.
Inv. No. MR 369.
Brescia, Santa Giulia Civic Museum.
340. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Winged Victory. Detail.
Bronze. 1st century CE.
Inv. No. MR 369.
Brescia, Santa Giulia Civic Museum.
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