Ceramics | Location
21. CERAMICS. Greece.
The Kottabe play.
22. CERAMICS. Greece.
The victorious sacrifice.
23. CERAMICS. Greece.
Women near a spring.
24. CERAMICS. Greece.
Black-figure kylix with a winged Nike holding a wreath.
475—450 BCE.
Inv. No. ΝΓ 381.
Athens, Goulandris Museum of Cycladic Art.
25. CERAMICS. Greece.
Aides throws seeds on the ground ploughed by Demeter.
Red-figure amphora.
430—420 BCE.
Athens, National Archaeological Museum.
26. CERAMICS. Greece.
Eleusinian ceremonies.
Clay board.
4th century BCE.
Athens, National Archaeological Museum.
27. CERAMICS. Greece.
Heracles comes to the aid of Prometheus.
Krater. Attic.
610 BCE.
Athens, National Archaeological Museum.
28. CERAMICS. Greece.
Odysseus listening to the singing of sirens.
Red lekythos.
Clay. Ca. 500 BCE.
Athens, National Archaeological Museum.
29. CERAMICS. Greece.
Crater. Mycenae.
Clay. 12th century BCE.
Athens, National Archaeological Museum.
30. CERAMICS. Greece.
Crater. Mycenae.
Clay. 12th century BCE.
Athens, National Archaeological Museum.
31. CERAMICS. Greece.
Achilles puts on the armour forged by Hephaestus.
Peleus the father of Achilles, Achilles, Thetis the mother of Achilles, his son Neoptolemus (Pyrrhus) are represented.
Black-figure dish.
Inv. No. 507.
Athens, National Archaeological Museum.
32. CERAMICS. Greece.
Abduction of Helen by Theseus and Pirithous (?).
Black-figure vessel. Attic.
By the Amasis Painter.
Clay. 550—525 BCE.
Berlin, State Museums.
33. CERAMICS. Greece.
Athlete with dumbbells.
Red-figure prop for a cup. Attic.
By the Antiphon Painter.
Clay. Ca. 480 BCE.
Berlin, State Museums.
34. CERAMICS. Greece.
Bath. Girls taking a shower.
(image on Greek hydria, ca. 480 BCE).
Berlin, State Museums.
35. CERAMICS. Greece.
Battle of Aias, Aeneas, Diomedes and Hippasus for the dead body of Patroclus.
Red-figure cup. Attic.
By the Oltos Painter, by potter Euxitheus.
Clay. Ca. 510 BCE.
Berlin, State Museums.
36. CERAMICS. Greece.
Odysseus shooting a bow at the crowd of the suitors.
Red-figure skyphos. Attic.
By the Penelope Painter.
Clay. Ca. 440 BCE.
Berlin, State Museums.
37. CERAMICS. Greece.
Struggle of Heracles against the Nemean lion. Red-figure amphora. Attic.
(Goddess Athene on the right; coachman Iolaus on the left.)
By the Exekias Painter.
Clay. Ca. 550 BCE.
Berlin, State Museums.
38. CERAMICS. Greece.
Struggle of Heracles against the Nemean lion. Red-figure amphora. Attic.
(Goddess Athene on the right; coachman Iolaus on the left.)
By the Exekias Painter.
Clay. Ca. 550 BCE.
Berlin, State Museums.
39. CERAMICS. Greece.
Bull team with the wooden plough and the sower.
Black-figure bowl. Attic.
By the Nikosthenes Painter.
Clay. Ca. 550 BCE.
Berlin, State Museums, Collection of Classical Antiquities.
40. CERAMICS. Greece.
Dokimasia of riders.
Cup from Orvieto.
Berlin, State Museums, Collection of Classical Antiquities.