Mythology in the Art | Greek mythology | Orestes
1. APPLIED ART. Etruria.
Orestes killing his mother Clytemnestra.
Etruscan bronze mirror.
4th—3rd cent. BCE.
Christie’s Fine Art Auction House, London.
2. CERAMICS. Southern Italy.
The Medea krater.
Red-figured calyx-krater. Lucania.
Ca. 400 BCE.
Attributed to the Policoro Painter.
Inv. No. 1991.1.
Cleveland, Museum of Art.
3. CERAMICS. Southern Italy.
The Medea krater. Side B: Telephus with infant Orestes, Agamemnon and Clytemnestra.
Red-figured calyx-krater. Lucania.
Ca. 400 BCE.
Attributed to the Policoro Painter.
Inv. No. 1991.1.
Cleveland, Museum of Art.
4. CERAMICS. Southern Italy.
The Medea krater. Detail of the side B: Telephus with infant Orestes.
Red-figured calyx-krater. Lucania.
Ca. 400 BCE.
Attributed to the Policoro Painter.
Inv. No. 1991.1.
Cleveland, Museum of Art.
Relief with Orestes.
Marble. The time of Augustus (archaistic work).
Copenhagen, New Carlsberg Glyptotek.
Fragment of a sarcophagus with myth of Orestes.
3d cent. CE.
Inv. No. 2005/039.
Florence, Museum of the Works of the Cathedral.
7. SCULPTURE. Etruria.
Etruscan cinerary urn “Orestes and Pylades in Tauris”. A lid with a figure of a reclining man (non pertaining to the urn).
Volterra, 3rd—1st cent. BCE.
Florence, National Archaeological Museum.
8. SCULPTURE. Etruria.
Front relief of an etruscan cinerary urn “Orestes and Pylades in Tauris”.
Volterra, 3rd—1st cent. BCE.
Inv. No. 98.
Florence, National Archaeological Museum.
Relief with Orestes.
Early Augustan times.
Inv. No. 6689.
Naples, National Archaeological Museum.
Orestes and Pylades in front of Iphigenia.
Fresco from Herculaneum.
Fourth style. 45—79 CE.
Inv. No. 9538.
Naples, National Archaeological Museum, Hall LXVIII.
Iphigenia in Tauris.
Fresco from Pompeii (House of L. Caecilius Jucundus, V. 1. 26).
Third style. 35—45 CE.
Inv. No. 111439.
Naples, National Archaeological Museum, Hall LXXI.
12. SCULPTURE. Magna Graecia.
Orestes kills Aegisthus.
Sandstone. Metope from the temple of Hera at the mouth of the river Sele.
Mid-6th century BCE.
Paestum, National Archaeological Museum.
13. GLYPTICS. Asia.
The trial of Orestes.
Sardonyx. Asia Minor (?). 1st century BCE.
Saint Petersburg, State Hermitage Museum.
14. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Orestes slaying Aegisthus and Clytemnestra.
Frontal relief of a sarcophagus.
Rome. Marble. Ca. 150 CE.
Inv. No. A 461.
Saint Petersburg, State Hermitage Museum.
15. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Erinys, Electra and Orestes (a close-up of relief “Orestes slaying Aegisthus and Clytemnestra”).
Frontal relief of a sarcophagus.
Rome. Marble. Ca. 150 CE.
Inv. No. A 461.
Saint Petersburg, State Hermitage Museum.
16. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Orestes slaying Aegisthus (a close-up of relief “Orestes slaying Aegisthus and Clytemnestra”).
Frontal relief of a sarcophagus.
Rome. Marble. Ca. 150 CE.
Inv. No. A 461.
Saint Petersburg, State Hermitage Museum.
17. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Orestes slaying Clytemnestra (a close-up of relief “Orestes slaying Aegisthus and Clytemnestra”).
Frontal relief of a sarcophagus.
Rome. Marble. Ca. 150 CE.
Inv. No. A 461.
Saint Petersburg, State Hermitage Museum.
18. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Orestes slaying Clytemnestra (a close-up of relief “Orestes slaying Aegisthus and Clytemnestra”).
Frontal relief of a sarcophagus.
Rome. Marble. Ca. 150 CE.
Inv. No. A 461.
Saint Petersburg, State Hermitage Museum.
19. GLYPTICS. Asia.
The trial of Orestes.
Sardonyx. 1st century BCE.
Inv. No. Ж 300.
Saint Petersburg, State Hermitage Museum.
20. CERAMICS. Greece.
Orestes kills Aegisthus. (On the left Chrysothemis).
Red-figure pelike. Attic.
By the Berlin Painter.
Clay. Ca. 500 BCE.
Inv. No. IV 3725.
Vienna, Museum of Art History.