

2221. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Colossal portrait of Constantius II (337—361), or of his brother Constans I (337—350).
Late Age of Constantine (306—337).
Inv. No. S 2882.
Rome, Capitoline Museums, Palazzo dei Conservatori, Medieval Room.
2222. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Colossal portrait of Constantius II (337—361), or of his brother Constans I (337—350).
Late Age of Constantine (306—337).
Inv. No. S 2882.
Rome, Capitoline Museums, Palazzo dei Conservatori, Medieval Room.
2223. SCULPTURE. Greece.
A metope of the Parthenon. The fight between the Centaur and the Lapith.
Marble. 430s BCE.
Inv. No. 1816,0610.11.
London, British Museum.
2224. ARCHITECTURE. Greece.
South-western corner of the Parthenon with a metope. The fight between the Centaur and the Lapith.
430s BCE.
Athens, Acropolis, Parthenon.
2225. ARCHITECTURE. Greece.
View of the Parthenon through the Propylaea.
447—438 BCE.
Athens, Acropolis, Parthenon.
2226. SCULPTURE. Rome.
The Venus Callipyge.
Inv. No. 6020.
Naples, National Archaeological Museum.
2227. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Portrait bust of a woman from the imperial house.
Pavonazzetto marble. Ca. 390 CE.
Inv. No. S 404.
Rome, Capitoline Museums, Palazzo dei Conservatori, Hall of Captains.
2228. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Portrait bust of a woman from the imperial house.
Pavonazzetto marble. Ca. 390 CE.
Inv. No. S 404.
Rome, Capitoline Museums, Palazzo dei Conservatori, Hall of Captains.
2229. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Portrait bust of a woman from the imperial house.
Pavonazzetto marble. Ca. 390 CE.
Inv. No. S 404.
Rome, Capitoline Museums, Palazzo dei Conservatori, Hall of Captains.
2230. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Herm of Vergilius.
Inv. No. S 505.
Rome, Capitoline Museums, Palazzo Nuovo, Gallery.
The death of Caesar.
Jean-Léon Gérôme (1824—1904).
Oil on canvas. Ca. 1859—1867.
Baltimore, Walters Art Museum.
The death of Julius Caesar.
Vincenzo Camuccini (1771—1844).
Oil on canvas. 1798.
Naples, National Museum of Capodimonte.
2233. CERAMICS. Southern Italy.
Volute-krater depicting the journey of Orpheus to the Underworld. Detail: Hermes, Heracles and Cerberus, Hecate.
Red-figured volute-krater. Apulia.
Attributed to The Underworld Painter.
Clay. Ca. 330—310 BCE.
Munich, State Antique Collection.
2234. CERAMICS. Southern Italy.
Volute-krater depicting the journey of Orpheus to the Underworld. Detail: Hades and Persephone in their Palace with Orpheus and other denizens of the Underworld.
Red-figured volute-krater. Apulia.
Attributed to The Underworld Painter.
Clay. Ca. 330—310 BCE.
Munich, State Antique Collection.
2235. CERAMICS. Southern Italy.
Volute-krater depicting the journey of Orpheus to the Underworld. Detail: Helios and Selene on they chariots.
Red-figured volute-krater. Apulia.
Attributed to The Underworld Painter.
Clay. Ca. 330—310 BCE.
Munich, State Antique Collection.
2236. CERAMICS. Southern Italy.
Volute-krater depicting the journey of Orpheus to the Underworld. Detail: a female head.
Red-figured volute-krater. Apulia.
Attributed to The Underworld Painter.
Clay. Ca. 330—310 BCE.
Munich, State Antique Collection.
2237. CERAMICS. Southern Italy.
Volute-krater depicting the journey of Orpheus to the Underworld.
Red-figured volute-krater. Apulia.
Attributed to The Underworld Painter (by Trendall).
Clay. Ca. 330—310 BCE.
Munich, State Antique Collection.
2238. CERAMICS. Greece.
Achilles bandages Patroklos’ arm.
Red-figure kylix. Attic.
Attributed to Sosias as Potter by signature; to “Sosias Painter” by Beazley / “Berlin Painter” by Robertson as painter.
Clay. Ca. 500 BCE.
Inv. No. F 2278.
Berlin, State Museums, Old Museum.
2239. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Constantine the Great.
336—337 CE.
Rome, Capitoline Museums, Palazzo dei Conservatori, Marcus Aurelius Exedra.
2240. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Constantine the Great.
336—337 CE.
Rome, Capitoline Museums, Palazzo dei Conservatori, Marcus Aurelius Exedra.