Mythology in the Art | Greek mythology | Ganymede
Bowl with the image of Ganymede and the eagle.
Elymais. Ca. 2nd cent. CE.
Christie’s Fine Art Auction House, London.
Ganymede and the eagle (close-up).
White marble. Roman copy of a Greek sculpture of the 3rd century BCE.
Restored by Benvenuto Cellini.
Inv. No. 128 (1914).
Florence, Uffizi Gallery.
Ganymede and the Eagle.
White marble.
Roman copy of a Greek sculpture of 3rd century BCE.
Restored by Benvenuto Cellini.
Inv. No. 318.
Florence, Uffizi Gallery.
Ganymede and the Eagle.
White marble.
Roman copy of the second half of the 2nd cent. CE of a late Hellenistic model of Greek figurative repertoir of the 4th cent. BCE.
Inv. No. 6355.
Naples, National Archaeological Museum.
Cupid leading Zeus’ eagle to Ganymede.
62—79 CE.
Inv. No. 9547.
Naples, National Archaeological Museum, Hall LXXII.
6. ADORNMENTS. Greece.
The Ganymede jewelry: necklace, pair of earrings with figure of Ganymede and eagle, pair of bracelets with ram’s head, four fibulae, ring with emerald.
Gold, rock crystal, emerald.
Ca. 330—300 BCE.
Inv. No. 37.11.8—17.
New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art.
7. ADORNMENTS. Greece.
The Ganymede jewelry: pair of earrings with Ganymede and the eagle.
Ca. 330—300 BCE.
Inv. No. 37.11.9—10.
New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art.
8. ADORNMENTS. Greece.
The Ganymede jewelry: earring with Ganymede and the eagle.
Ca. 330—300 BCE.
Inv. No. 37.11.9.
New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art.
9. MOSAIC. Rome.
Domus of Fortuna Annonaria. Mosaic floor.
1st—4th cent. CE.
Ostia, Archaeological Park “Ostia Antica”, V, 2, 8.
10. SCULPTURE. Rome.
The abduction of Ganymede.
Fragment of ceiling plaster stucco in south-east corner of tepidarium.
1st century CE.
Pompeii, Forum Thermae, VII, 5, 24, tepidarium.
11. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Front wall of sarcophagus with clipeus portrait (imago clipeata) of the deceased boy.
Luni (Carrara) marble. 3rd century CE.
Rome, National Museum of Palazzo Venezia.
12. SCULPTURE. Greece.
Ganymede and the eagle.
Marble. 2nd century CE.
Inv. No. 1376.
Rome, Vatican Museums, Chiaramonti Museum, XIII. 4.
13. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Narcissus or Ganimede (close-up).
Marble. Roman work.
2nd-3d cent. CE.
Inv. No. 2759.
Rome, Vatican Museums, Pius-Clementine Museum.
14. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Narcissus or Ganimede.
Marble. Roman work.
2nd-3d cent. CE.
Inv. No. 2759.
Rome, Vatican Museums, Pius-Clementine Museum.
15. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Ganymede and the eagle.
Marble. Roman copy of the 2nd century after a bronze original by Leochares of the 4th century BCE.
Inv. No. 2445.
Rome, Vatican Museums, Pius-Clementine Museum, Gallery of the Candelabra, II. 83.
16. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Ganymede and the eagle.
Marble. Roman copy of the 2nd century after a bronze original by Leochares of the 4th century BCE.
Inv. No. 2445.
Rome, Vatican Museums, Pius-Clementine Museum, Gallery of the Candelabra, II. 83.
17. GLYPTICS. Egypt.
The abduction of Ganymede.
Sardonyx. Alexandria. 1st century BCE.
3.3 × 3.0 cm.
Saint Petersburg, State Hermitage Museum.
18. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Ganymede feeding the eagle.
Marble. Roman copy of late 1st cent. BCE after a Greek original.
58 × 44 cm.
Inv. No. A. 195.
Saint Petersburg, State Hermitage Museum.
19. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Ganymede feeding the eagle.
Marble. Roman copy of late 1st cent. BCE after a Greek original.
58 × 44 cm.
Inv. No. A. 195.
Saint Petersburg, State Hermitage Museum.
20. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Ganymede feeding the eagle. Detail.
Marble. Roman copy of late 1st cent. BCE after a Greek original.
58 × 44 cm.
Inv. No. A. 195.
Saint Petersburg, State Hermitage Museum.