721. SCULPTURE. Rome. Paris. Marble. Mid-2nd cent. CE Inv. No. 762. Rome, Vatican Museums, Pius-Clementine Museum, Gallery of statues. | |
722. SCULPTURE. Rome. Paris (close-up). Marble. Mid-2nd cent. CE Inv. No. 762. Rome, Vatican Museums, Pius-Clementine Museum, Gallery of statues. | |
723. SCULPTURE. Rome. Paris. Marble. Mid-2nd cent. CE Inv. No. 762. Rome, Vatican Museums, Pius-Clementine Museum, Gallery of statues. | |
724. SCULPTURE. Rome. Statue of Livia praying. Marble. The second half of the 1st century CE. Inv. No. 637. Rome, Vatican Museums, Pius-Clementine Museum, Gallery of the Busts, 52. | |
725. SCULPTURE. Rome. Statue of Livia praying. Fragment. Marble. The second half of the 1st century CE. Inv. No. 637. Rome, Vatican Museums, Pius-Clementine Museum, Gallery of the Busts, 52. | |
726. SCULPTURE. Rome. Seated statue of Jupiter (so-called Jupiter Verospi). Marble. Dating: 80—100 CE (Spinola) / 3rd cent. CE (others scholars). Only the upper part of the body is ancient, up to the legs; the arms, some parts of the face and of the hair and the rest of the body were integrated in the 18th century. Inv. No. 671. Rome, Vatican Museums, Pius-Clementine Museum, Gallery of the Busts, 77. | |
727. SCULPTURE. Rome. Seated statue of Jupiter (so-called Jupiter Verospi). Marble. Dating: 80—100 CE (Spinola) / 3rd cent. CE (others scholars). Only the upper part of the body is ancient, up to the legs; the arms, some parts of the face and of the hair and the rest of the body were integrated in the 18th century. Inv. No. 671. Rome, Vatican Museums, Pius-Clementine Museum, Gallery of the Busts, 77. | |
728. SCULPTURE. Greece. A boy with a goose. Marble. Copy of the mid-1st cent. CE of a bronze original of the 2nd century BCE by Boethus. The head is modern copy of the Munich variant. Inv. No. 2655. Rome, Vatican Museums, Pius-Clementine Museum, Gallery of the Candelabra, IV. 66. | |
729. SCULPTURE. Rome. Statue of a young Niobid in flight. Pentelic marble. Roman copy of the first half of the 2nd cent. CE after a Greek model of the late 4th — 2nd cent. BCE. Inv. No. 2805. Rome, Vatican Museums, Pius-Clementine Museum, Gallery of the Candelabra, VI. 24. | |
730. SCULPTURE. Rome. Satyr bearing the child Dionysos. Marble. Roman copy of the 2nd century CE after a Greek original of the 4th cent. BCE. Inv. No. 1036. Rome, Vatican Museums, Pius-Clementine Museum, Octagonal Court, South portico, 14. | |
731. SCULPTURE. Rome. Satyr bearing the child Dionysos. Marble. Roman copy of the 2nd century CE after a Greek original of the 4th cent. BCE. Inv. No. 1036. Rome, Vatican Museums, Pius-Clementine Museum, Octagonal Court, South portico, 14. | |
732. SCULPTURE. Rome. A portrait of a Roman in toga (with a head from a different statue). Marble. 130—140 CE. Head: 30—20 BCE. Inv. No. 2355. Rome, Vatican Museums, Pius-Clementine Museum, Room of the Biga, 11. | |
733. SCULPTURE. Greece. A discobolus. Inv. No. 2346. Rome, Vatican Museums, Pius-Clementine Museum, Room of the Biga, 21. | |
734. SCULPTURE. Rome. Statue of a discobolus throwing the discus. Marble. Roman copy of the 2nd century CE after a bronze original by Myron of about 460 BCE. Inv. No. 2346. Rome, Vatican Museums, Pius-Clementine Museum, Room of the Biga, 21. | |
735. SCULPTURE. Rome. Discobolus. Marble. Roman copy of the 2nd century CE after a bronze original by Myron of about 460 BCE. Inv. No. 2346. Rome, Vatican Museums, Pius-Clementine Museum, Room of the Biga, 21. | |
736. SCULPTURE. Rome. Statue presumable portraying Cleopatra VII. Marble. The statue is a Roman copy of a Greek original of the end of the 5th cent. BCE. The head is plaster cast from ancient head. Inv. No. 179. Rome, Vatican Museums, Pius-Clementine Museum, Room of the Greek Cross, 21. | |
737. SCULPTURE. Rome. Statue presumable portraying Cleopatra VII. Marble. The statue is a Roman copy of a Greek original of the end of the 5th cent. BCE. The head is plaster cast from ancient head. Inv. No. 179. Rome, Vatican Museums, Pius-Clementine Museum, Room of the Greek Cross, 21. | |
738. SCULPTURE. Rome. Sacrificing Gaius Caesar in toga. Marble. Inv. No. 199. Rome, Vatican Museums, Pius-Clementine Museum, Room of the Greek Cross, 69. | |
739. SCULPTURE. Rome. Sacrificing Gaius Caesar in toga (close-up). Marble. Inv. No. 199. Rome, Vatican Museums, Pius-Clementine Museum, Room of the Greek Cross, 69. | |
740. SCULPTURE. Rome. Sacrificing Gaius Caesar in toga (close-up). Marble. Inv. No. 199. Rome, Vatican Museums, Pius-Clementine Museum, Room of the Greek Cross, 69. | |